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Videos using the tag #track-and-trace (x)
2 videos found.
  • 0 0 0 851
    The pivotal movement.Say no to vaccine passports!
    For generations the freedoms passed on to us, is now being eroded at every level!
    The world is at a pivotal movement which could lead to slavery by monarchs, tyrants and the controlling elite, once again history (Hitler, Stalin, Mao) tries to repeat.
    Do not agree to give our fre...
  • 33:38
    0 0 0 1007
    In this video Jimmy Dores outlines the how we are going to be placed into a track and trace tyranny controlled by Bill Gates.
    He outlines one of the largest social control systems in place in India - the Aadhaar System, how villagers starved to death because of errors in the system and how they were unable to get rice and water.