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Videos using the tag #lock downs (x)
4 videos found.
  • 0 0 0 476
    Josh Sigurdson reports on the creation of climate lockdowns as the World Economic Forum's "15 Minute City" project is put into effect in multiple cities around the world.
    The idea of a 15 minute city is the cordoning off of neighborhoods into sections, banning the movement outside of those zones without a permit from the governmen...
  • 0 0 0 922
    They will lock you down again till all jabs are complete. Watch. Indonesian authorities have requested the Queen Elizabeth cruise liner ditch its Balinese leg of the tour following a COVID outbreak onboard. The ship left Sydney on November 15 for a 17-day-long tour along the Queensland coast before heading to the Indonesian island....
  • 0 2 0 1270
    Alison Morrow interview's Dr Mark MacDonald on the fear and mass delusional psychosis that is being perpetrated on the global population by MSM and Governmental agencies.
    Touching on the harmful consequences the plethora of COVID restrictions (mask, lock downs, social distancing, vaccine passports, social segregation) from suicid...
  • 01:03
    0 0 0 531
    In 2020, a year of pandemic-induced economic distress, suicides among “tradesmen” increased by 50 per cent — the highest across categories — compared to 2019.
    Compared to 2019, suicides among the business community in 2020 increased 29 per cent however suicides among tradespeople, increased to 4,356 in 202...