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Videos using the tag #government-and corporate collusion (x)
3 videos found.
  • 02:09:54
    0 0 0 994
    I look at the history of the internet, from ARPANET & NSFNET, through privatization, to Tim-Berners Lee, Yahoo, Netscape, Google, eBay, and Facebook, examining Microsoft's antitrust court case and their battle against Open Source and Free Software, Bill Gate's Open Letter to Hobbyists and the leaked Halloween Documents. Then we...
  • 0 0 0 1154
    Neil Oliver: GB News:
  • 02:58:13
    0 0 0 992
    The Fall of the Cabal: The world as we know it is coming to an End is a Documentary by award-winning author and researcher Janet Ossebaard.
    Centered on the downfall of the 1% who control our manipulated society, Janet brilliant and elegantly outlines their evil master plan to completely dominate and submiss humanity to slaver...