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Videos using the tag #Adverse-reactions. vaccine (x)
7 videos found.
  • 0 0 0 8
    As hundreds of millions are now dead from the covid fake vaccine which is actually a Bio-Weapon meant to kill, a U.S. government Whistleblower comes forward to talk about the culling of the population.
  • 0 0 0 1061
    Video taken from Be Aware Stay Alert. - Fast growing cancer everywhere like an explosion ... Detox Help: ROOT products support your body to detox, cleanse, focus and relax – simply and naturally. The removal of harmful toxins from our contaminate…
  • 0 0 0 452
    Watch: Canadian woman from Saskatchewan tells her long, terrifying, and agonising Pfizer vaccine injury story. Follow: The Canadian Independent @…
  • 0 0 0 992
    Taken from Telegram Doctors were told that under no circumstances should they prescribe it for Covid use 
    Never Forget 
  • 01:03:51
    0 0 0 354
    Kyle Warner a 29 year-old professional mountain biker and three time U.S. national champion took the 2nd Pfizer Vaccine and now suffers from Pericarditis, POTS and reactive arthritis, which has ended his career.
    Kyle's returns to talk to Dr John Campbell to speak about his adverse reactions to the vaccine which has halted his care...