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Videos using the tag #Children (x)
3 videos found.
  • 01:08
    0 0 0 1038
    When the evidence is clear that vaccines increase your risk for heart disease by over 100% why would we want to have a booster shot every 3 months..
    Children are the least at risk.. yet they are coming for our children?
    This is democide (
  • 01:05:25
    0 0 0 834
    The recent decision to approve vaccines in the 5 - 11 year old groups has caused concern among parents
    Dr Philip McMillian interviews International expert Geert Vander Bossche about the risk of the vaccine to children, especially as China had foced vaccinated apprx 84 million children by this weekend.
    The two renowned doctors dis...
  • 47:59
    0 0 0 318
    Insight investigates the devastation of COVID-19 measures which has impacted  millions around the world.
    In Malaysia the disease killed almost 29,000 people, destroyed businesses and  jobs plunging tens of thousands of people deeper into poverty.
    Children have had their education severely disrupted as a result of school...