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Videos using the tag #all vaccinated (x)
3 videos found.
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    0 0 0 657
    MAC ADDRESS Bluetooth Signals Come From Covid mRNA Injected Persons ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Covid Jabbed People Now have Bluetooth MAC Addresses - …
  • 0 0 0 621
    People these days can't even call out the name of the death jab on main stream media but the reports are leaking out. As always the truth can never be hidden. Blood Test Results from from vaccinated individuals. Discern your own truths, You can't rely on those who are out there to harm you!.
  • 0 0 0 516
    This video highlights the increasing numbers of breakthrough cases, where hospitals across Europe, particularly Belgium, Flemish Region, Wales, UK  are filling up with fully vaccinated patients.
    International breakthrough cases continue to increase globally but are only reported in countries with less censorship. 