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19 videos found.
  • 33:13
    0 0 0 9
    Be it Climate change or the unpredictable nature of the universe, even scientists haven’t been able to properly predict or answer the changes occurring. Join us today to get to learn of some of the most terrifying incidents that were filmed while occurring. For Copyright Issues, Please Feel Free to E-mail me: thesqueezedlemon...
  • 08:58
    0 0 0 18
    Individuals, companies and governments “offset” carbon emissions by paying to plant trees or fund solar panels in one place, so they can emit them elsewhere. Carbon credits are exchanged in the open market with the idea that carbon prices will go up – forcing companies to emit less. Dr. Rae Wynn-Grant looks at why...
  • 21:40
    0 0 0 56
    Sign of the times. SOTT Earth Changes Summary April 2024 Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs
  • 55:00
    0 0 0 50 To support Geoengineering Watch: Contact us: Dane Wigington, P.O. Box 9, Bella Vista, CA, 96008 Please LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and CLICK THE BELL to ensure you are notified of our new videos. To read or post comments on th...
  • 0 0 0 519
    SG Anon joins THE SOVEREIGN SOUL Show and he shares explosive Intel and sheds light on what we can expect next..
    This summer isn’t just about the heat wave, drought, and floods, the enemy is also planning their own “natural disasters”.....
  • 03:04:45
    0 0 0 1163
    Universe 00:00 Intro 00:01:26 What is under the ice of Antarctica? 00:15:14 What will happen if all ice melts? 00:30:13 What's hiding under the Sahara sands? 00:46:00 What is discovered in the deepest places of the ocean? 01:21:22 What lies beneath the Bermuda Triangle seabed? 01:48:32 What did find INSIDE and UNDER the Egyptian Py...
  • 0 0 0 1223
    Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a clip of Rebel News’ Ezra Levant asking John Kerry about his climate change hypocrisy at the World Economic Forum. Watch Dave's FULL DIRECT MESSAGE here:…
  • 0 0 0 507
  • 0 0 0 799
    Police forces have been deployed en masse to clear protesters from the German village of Lutzerath, which was abandoned and then taken over by climate activists opposing the expansion of a nearby coal mine. Tensions rose quickly, spilling into minor clashes as police started to remove barricades erected by the activists.
  • 0 0 0 494
    l/magbittertruth/ .
  • 0 0 0 491
    Josh Sigurdson reports on the creation of climate lockdowns as the World Economic Forum's "15 Minute City" project is put into effect in multiple cities around the world.
    The idea of a 15 minute city is the cordoning off of neighborhoods into sections, banning the movement outside of those zones without a permit from the governmen...
  • 0 0 0 704
    Laurence Fox presents "CONNED:
    The Top FIVE Climate Change LIES”. Watch as Laurence breaks apart the lies repeatedly fed to the public and details the manipulation by the billionaire-funded lobby groups and activists. Please share this video to help challenge the status quo and open up a more informed debate about climate ch...
  • 0 0 0 566
    if it's not on mainstream fake news media it's got to be true copyright owned by cna
  • 0 0 0 249
    Prince Charles, keynote speaker at COP26, soon to be King, actually brags about the Monarch's wealth, and touts his military plan to cull most of us, through taxation and the Great Reset. Bill Gates Claims he wants a population reduction of 10-15% through vaccines and healthcare, but then directly implies that to achieve Prince Cha...
  • 0 0 0 239
    Sharm El Sheik, The ringleaders of climate alarmism do not actually believe the narrative of CO2-as-pollution that they are marketing to the public, and it's easy to prove, explains The New American magazine's Alex Newman in this episode of Behind T…
  • 12:35
    0 0 0 270
    A new Oxfam analysis finds the investments of the world's richest people are emitting 3 million tons a year — more than a million times the average person's output. The report, titled "Carbon Billionaires," suggests a wealth tax could help fund urgent climate action in developing countries. The analysis shows "how much power ...
  • 0 0 0 591
    Mirror. Source Uncensored: Geoengineering Expert Says by 2025 There Will Be No Food or Life Left - Dane Wigington Quote: "Dane Wigington…
  • 0 0 0 1275
    The Jewish banking cartels have not gotten their mandatory poisoning of the world's populations as quickly as they planned. But this is not something to celebrate. No, they are racing towards their next move -climate lockdowns and controls. And as long as they control the money, they will be back to poison us again in a few months....