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Videos using the tag #Taiwan-China (x)
5 videos found.
  • 10:19
    0 0 0 22
    "If Japan is openly involved in some kind of eastern's got to be handled very carefully." Tensions are high between China and Japan, and the latter's entry to Aukus could escalate tensions in the Indo-Pacific, says Michael Binyon, former Moscow correspondent. Michael is joined by host, James Heappey and military intellige...
  • 33:21
    0 0 0 29
    Tension Rising! France has finally taken action for Taiwan! XI didn't expect this much from WEST!
  • 29:02
    by Wake Up
    0 0 0 73
     The Eastern Theater Command of the Chinese People's Liberation Army has begun joint military drills around Taiwan island. The spokesperson for the theater command says the army, navy, air force and rocket forces have been mobilized to hold the drills from Thursday to Friday. The spokesperson says the drills serve as a strong ...
  • 06:33
    0 0 0 156
    TAIPEI, May 25 (Reuters) - China ended two days of war games around Taiwan in which it simulated attacks with bombers and practiced boarding ships, exercises that Taiwan condemned as "blatant provocation" on Saturday, detailing a surge of Chinese warplanes and warships. 
    Chinese state television's military channel said late ...
  • 12:01
    by dtrader
    0 0 0 54
    On May 24, China’s second day of drills around Taiwan expanded from blockade practice and battlefield control to include domain occupation. The drills were aimed at testing its ability to "seize power" and control key areas in exercises China said were launched to punish Taiwan's new president.
    The two days of drills in the ...