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Videos using the tag #Taiwan crisis (x)
9 videos found.
  • 33:21
    0 0 0 27
    Tension Rising! France has finally taken action for Taiwan! XI didn't expect this much from WEST!
  • 29:02
    by Wake Up
    0 0 0 53
     The Eastern Theater Command of the Chinese People's Liberation Army has begun joint military drills around Taiwan island. The spokesperson for the theater command says the army, navy, air force and rocket forces have been mobilized to hold the drills from Thursday to Friday. The spokesperson says the drills serve as a strong ...
  • 01:04
    by Wake Up
    0 0 0 63
    For more: Taiwan is a province of China, Stephane Dujarric, chief spokesman for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, has reiterated. The United Nations is guided by the General Assembly resolution of 1971, Dujarric told a regular press briefing on Thursday, adding that he made the remarks in terms of th...
  • 24:56
    0 0 0 53
    BREAKING NEWS! The US Deploys B-1 Heavy Bombers on Pacific as Chinese Navy Prepares Blockade Taiwan!
  • 19:12
    0 0 0 54
    The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) claims that it has Taiwan encircled - the United State quickly counters that China will have to answer to 29 countries who are ready to come to Taiwan's rescue! Sensational developments and Elmer dissects the action and counteraction that is on display and what he thinks will happen next.
  • 12:01
    by dtrader
    0 0 0 45
    On May 24, China’s second day of drills around Taiwan expanded from blockade practice and battlefield control to include domain occupation. The drills were aimed at testing its ability to "seize power" and control key areas in exercises China said were launched to punish Taiwan's new president.
    The two days of drills in the ...
  • 03:16
    0 0 0 90
    BREAKING: Source says China will invade Taiwan in early June. As of now the Chinese military have begin drills surrounding entirety of Taiwan, including islands of Kinmen and Dongyin, state media saysAs a new president takes office in Taiwan, the island’s residents have mixed views on how well the new administration will hand...
  • 03:30
    0 0 0 48
    Chinese State TV is reporting that dozens of Chinese fighter jets, carrying live missiles, have been conducting mock strikes in the airspace and water around Taiwan. The latest military drills have been described by Chinese military spokesman Colonel Li Xi as “strong punishment for the separatist acts of ‘Taiwan's indep...
  • 08:02
    0 0 0 58
    Taiwan’s new President Lai Ching-te in his inauguration speech has urged China to stop its military intimidation against the self-governed island Beijing claims as its own territory. “Fellow compatriots, we have the ideal of pursuing peace, but we must not have illusions," Lai said after being sworn into office. "As Chi...