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Videos using the tag #Chinese military (x)
2 videos found.
  • 11:02
    0 0 0 37
    For the first time ever, a spy who worked for the Chinese Communist Party’s secret police has spoken out about how the CCP operates overseas. And it’s worse than anyone imagined. Science is Evil According to Minecraft Please don't share this Rebel Pepper cartoon!
  • 08:46
    0 0 0 450
    Moment US B-1B Lancer Destroy China disputed SCS Islands In this video, we bring you exclusive footage of the extraordinary Moment US B-1 Lancer Destroy China disputed SCS Islands. Brace yourself as we unveil the strategic significance of this event, the cutting-edge technology behind the B-1 Lancer. the US B-1B Lancer, a long-rang...