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Videos using the tag #United Nations (x)
4 videos found.
  • by Wake Up
    0 0 0 30
  • 15:24
    0 0 0 2254
    The United Nations Human Rights Counsel says that there are human rights violations happening in Libya, according to a new report. The report describes a "generalized practice" of arbitrary detention, murder, torture, rape, slavery and forced disappearance in the country since 2016. Who is doing this? The report points the finger a...
  • 04:55
    0 0 0 827
    After more than a decade of talks, the UN has just announced the first ever treaty to protect the high seas! HIGH SEAS TREATY Two-thirds of the earth is actually ocean and most of that ocean is international waters, also known as the high seas, which pretty much isn't owned or protected by anyone. Well, besides Poseidon, of course,...