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Videos using the tag #Trans Kids (x)
4 videos found.
  • by Wake Up
    0 0 0 13
    In this clip from TCR Live #131: Israel Continues the Massacre + Bethany Christian Services Exposed!, Derrick Broze briefly covers a recent press conference from the Doctors Protecting Children discussing the latest science on transgender treatments. The press conference brought together numerous organizations who "have serious con...
  • 0 0 0 15
    Jason Bermas hosts the final hour of the Alex Jones Show. **ALEX JONES ON X ** - SAVE INFOWARS!! BUY NOW!! $$URGENT! Keep Alex Jones in the fight! contribute at…
  • 29:44
    0 0 0 25
    What can we learn from a history of the future? Historian Yuval Harari takes us on a journey through technological development and challenges leaders to develop a substantive vision of what it means for society, politics, religion and ideology. Introduced by · Gillian R. Tett, Managing Editor, US, Financial Times, USA With &...
  • 0 0 0 553
    Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a clip of detransitioner Chloe Cole sharing her heartbreaking story of how she was fast tracked into transgender surgery. Her testimony was given to fight Scott Wiener’s SB 107 proposal to make California a sanctuary state for trans kids escaping the trans healthcare bans in...