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Videos using the tag #Gagged Australian Nurses Form Whistleblower Group to Expose What is Really Happening in Hospitals with COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries (x)
4 videos found.
  • by askfind
    0 0 0 4
    RIP Good doctor This man is a hero to me, he was a doctor who discovered that western medicine was actually harming people with their vaccines.
  • 0 0 0 18
    Aftonbladet Swedish article
    South Australia
  • 0 0 0 821
    Hospitals are murder centers. Don't trust them. End of life care is exactly what it says. They don't care enough to treat you. They are ending your life. They are also incentivized financially to do this.
    Source: Tim Truth:Remember the time Ventilators and Remdesivir instant deaths... they called it Delta wave. ...
  • 0 0 0 1108
    Gabriel Poliquin, lawyer for the Public Order Emergency Commission, was leading an Ontario bureaucrat through his evidence when he suddenly fell down from the podium where he stood." - Tonda MacCharles, Alex Ballingall The cause of the incident is …