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2 videos found.
  • 0 0 0 15
    Ron Paul: The Coup Against America. Congress Has Surrendered it's Authority 6-8-2024- Ron Paul on Tucker Carlson-Even when Directly Asked WHO RUNS THE DEEP STATE, Ron Paul Chickens Out and Jokes his way out. Sad...-ALWAYS REMEMBER-NO ONE BENEFITS MORE FROM THE FEDERAL RESERVE THAN CONGRESS AND THE SENATE-The Fraudulent Internationa...
  • HOT

    0 0 0 1056
    It could be argued the past USA election didn't even occur with a fake pandemic and fake USA riots of Black Lives Matter used to hoodwink the American Populace. Yes! It could be argued since there was also no inauguration of Biden with Trumo handing over power. 
    DuckHK Gab: Minds: https://www....