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Videos using the tag #Charles Sobhraj (x)
3 videos found.
  • 0 0 0 407
    Born Hotchand Bhawnani Gurmukh Sobhraj, in April 1944, Asia's premier serial slayer was the illegitimate son of a Vietnamese peasant girl and a wealthy Indian merchant living in Saigon.
    Soon after his birth, Sobhraj's father married an Indian woman in Pooma, and his mother retaliated by wedding a French military officer when Sobhr...
  • 0 0 0 443
    French serial killer Charles Sobhraj has been ordered to be released from a prison in Nepal. The so-called "bikini killer" is believed to have killed at least twenty people throughout Asia in the 1970s. Mr Sobhraj was also known as "the serpent" …
  • 45:39
    0 0 0 1172
    In 2003, retired Dutch diplomat Herman Knippenberg - the man behind the 2020 BBC and Netflix drama series also called The Serpent - gave a full account of how he turned detective to track down his nemesis Charles Sobhraj - aka the 'bikini killer'. This is his story. Sobhraj preyed on backpackers traveling the Silk Road of South Eas...