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Videos using the tag #Rishi Sunak (x)
9 videos found.
  • 13:40
    0 0 0 49
    “Now some of them are trying to coordinate a last minute rush of letters of no confidence to Sir Graham Brady, on the grounds that perhaps he could be removed before Parliament is prorogued.” “Upset” Conservatives MPs are trying to stop a general election by booting out Sunak before the end of the week, says...
  • 0 0 0 786
    Multiple scandals hit the UK The Duran: Episode 1498 *****LOCALS COMMUNITY***** 1 MONTH FREE TRIAL: *****THE DURAN SHOP***** 10% OFF COUPON. Use…
  • 0 0 0 1050
    go on carol. -
  • 0 0 0 477
    ‘It doesn’t seem like the most natural performance. It seemed like Almost every single line he said had been focus grouped to the hilt.’ GB News’ Political Correspondent, Tom Harwood, reacts to Rishi Sunak’s first political broadcast of 2023. Wat…
  • 0 0 0 1557
    Brokenomics #2 | Inflation: The Great Lie You can find the reading lists of each individual podcast episode on our website:…
  • by askfind
    0 0 0 1599
    He keeps on wasting money on dodgy Covid Vaccines when UK is totally broke and millions of people are on strike demanding more wages.
    This fellar married to the corrupt crony Indian company who offers ration food stamp cards adhaar to poor Indians has these plans for UK as well. Why did he donate to Zelensky? A pedo actor in Ukrai...
  • 0 0 0 939
    Conservative councillor Claire Pearsall and research fellow Benjamin Loughnane discuss the Government's ability to solve the small boats crisis. Watch on TV: Virgin 604, Freesat 216, Sky 512, Freeview 236, YouView 236 Listen on DAB+ Radio Download…
  • by Wake Up
    0 0 0 1071
    The little puppet that the WEF got installed as the PM of the UK has now declared that they will end "illegal protests" and he'll give police sweeping new powers and "whatever they ask for." Combined with their new "public order" idiocy, the UK steps ever closer to being a total dystopia.
    The combination of the Queen's passing and...
  • 0 0 0 485
    How do you become a politician? You sleep with another man so they can control you until you're dead, even if you're straight. We used to have respect for fudgepackers but their silence on the LGBTQ+ agenda and inducting pedophilia into kids is sadistic. Until such time as they remain part of LGBTQ+ instead of just LGB, they'll rem...