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Videos using the tag #Zakir Naik (x)
3 videos found.
  • 0 0 0 1257
    Dr. Zakir Naik, whose preaching is banned in India, Bangladesh, Canada, and the United Kingdom, is the Founder and President of the Islamic Research Foundation (IRF). Naik has been accused of inciting terrorism and religious hatred, and he was recently charged with money laundering and of acquiring $28 million in criminal assets (2...
  • by Wake Up
    0 0 0 547
    *Persatuan Restoran Mamak Malaysia (PRMM) has 17,351 restaurants in Malaysia. They have been donating RM 10/mth to Dr. Zakir Naik. Monthly fixed income given to him at RM175,000.00 every month not only to destroy unity of this Nation but also to propogate Islamic values to non-muslim natives.*
    Spending your money by patronising in...
  • 0 0 0 678
    Malaysia: Mahathir Mohamad loses elections for first time in over 50 yrs, had granted permanent residency to Indian hate preacher Zakir Naik.
    Naik is currently in Qatar and is expected to preach Islam on the sidelines of the FIFA World Cup that kicks off today.
    In 2016, when India charged Islamic preacher and terror sym...