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Videos using the tag #food prices (x)
4 videos found.
  • 0 0 0 1838
    Emerald Robinson breaks down the latest regarding food shortages and their ties to Bill Gates.
  • 0 0 0 812
    It's now undeniable, that the government has been lacing chicken feed so that chickens stopped laying eggs Which is why that eggs are so bloody expensive right now. Could it be any clearer, our governments are trying to kill us. They want us to die, how much longer can we tolerate this?
  • 0 0 0 1147
    Netherlands to Buy and Close 3,000 Farms—Whether Farmers Like It or Not - Climate Change, Food Scarcity for you!.
  • 23:51
    0 0 0 333
     DISCLAIMER This video is for entertainment purposes ONLY & designed to help your thinking, not direct it. These videos shall NOT be construed as tax, legal or financial advice and may be outdated or inaccurate; all decisions made as a result of viewing are yours alone. Scammers: There are scammers who have cloned my YouTu...