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Videos using the tag #China Riots (x)
16 videos found.
  • 21:13
    0 0 0 390
    This video reveals the numerous halted construction projects of Evergrande in Kunming. Countless unfinished properties resemble ghost towns, which is truly chilling. The videographer asks, "Are any of these unfinished Evergrande developments in Kunming ones that you bought?" The aforementioned unfinished properties by Evergrande ar...
  • 0 0 0 231
    Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Melissa Chen, Kurt Schlichter, and Kyle Becker about Chinese protesters fighting against China’s zero COVID policy. ---------- Watch Dave's FULL ROUNDTABLE here:…
  • 23:03
    0 0 0 1333
    In 1989, hundreds of thousands of people flooded onto the streets of Beijing and into Tiananmen Square demanding democracy, freedom of speech and an end to corruption. After a seven week standoff, the government called in the troops and a bloody battle ensued. The number of deaths is not known. The Chinese Red Cross initially issue...
  • 0 0 0 852
    "Well, the export hub Guangzhou has announced today that it's lifting most of his lockdowns," reported CNBC "People have already been making comparisons with the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989." Tanks rolled into cities last night and looked like good fun exactly on the death news of the Man who rolled tanks down in Tinname...
  • 12:11
    0 0 0 831
    Chinese police have turned out in force, in an effort to head off another night of protests - after demonstrations against the Government's draconian Covid restrictions spread to a number of major cities. (Subscribe: Dozens of people were arrested at the weekend, while strict censorship has wiped v...
  • 15:53
    0 0 0 309
    Unprecedented protests have erupted in multiple Chinese cities over President Xi Jinping's strict zero-COVID policies, which have resulted in extended strict lockdowns across the country. The protests were triggered by a deadly fire Thursday at an apartment building in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang, where local COVID restrictions...
  • 07:45
    0 0 0 428
    Unrest is growing in China over the country's strict COVID-19 measures. Fresh protests have broken out in major cities, with hundreds rallying at Beijing's elite Tsing-hua University, chanting 'we want freedom.' Many also held up blank sheets of paper in a symbolic protest against state censorship. More demonstrations have also bee...
  • 0 0 0 1013
  • 15:43
    0 0 0 539
    Workers at an iPhone factory in China rebel over Covid measures and failed promises. China's zero covid policy has become chaos, which is why the government is trying to downplay its anti-covid measures. Former US presidential candidate and Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg apologized to China over remarks former UK Prime Mi...
  • 06:14
    0 0 0 558
    Protests over COVID-19 restrictions by workers at Foxconn's iPhone factory in central China were met with violence by security personnel, videos circulating on Chinese social media have shown. Workers at Foxconn's Zhengzhou factory held protests on the factory campus, where they have had to stay since a closed-loop system was annou...
  • 13:42
    0 0 0 547
    The first 100 people to use code UNCENSORED at the link below will get 20% off of Incogni: People in Guangzhou are protesting China's zero covid measures by taking to the streets, destroying Covid infrastructure, and singing from their windows. Xi Jinping issues vague threats to leaders at the G-20 su...
  • 24:14
  • 15:20
    0 0 0 360
    \u2b55 Watch the full episode on EpochTV ???? ???? Sekur (promo code: Tiffany) ???? ???? A Documentary by The Epoch Times, reveals the truth that has been hidden from the American people.???? ???? Enjoy 50% OFF ???? \u2b55\ufe0f Sign...
  • 16:17
    0 0 0 121
    \u2b55 Watch the full episode on EpochTV ???? ???? Sekur (promo code: Tiffany) ???? ???? A Documentary by The Epoch Times, reveals the truth that has been hidden from the American people.???? ???? Enjoy 50% OFF ???? \u2b55\ufe0f Sig...
  • 0 0 0 90
    \u2b55\ufe0fSign up for our newsletter to stay informed with accurate news without spin. ???? If the link is blocked, type in manually to sign up there. - \u2b55\ufe0f Get NTD on TV ???? \u2b55\ufe0f Download EpochTV Ebook for free???? - \u2b55\uf...
  • 0 0 0 978
    Videos obtained by Reuters showed crowds topple police barricades in street to protest against covid curbs in Guangzhou, China. Among all the latest outbreaks in China, Guangzhou has the biggest casel