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Videos using the tag #energy crisis (x)
3 videos found.
  • 0 0 0 1154
    if it's not on mainstream fake news media it's got to be true ZIONISM IS NOT JUDAISM ! ----- ZIONISTS WANT YOU TO BELIEVE THAT THEY ARE THE CHOSEN PEOPLE AND "ISRAEL" IS THE LAND OF THEIR SO CALLED BIRTHRIGHT . 1200 AD German SATANIC Bauer tribe c…
  • 0 0 0 475
    "Europe just announced a $60 per barrel of oil cap against Russian oil at the same time Putin and China are increasing trade. Europe is facing a slow boiling energy disaster. Meanwhile OPEC+ says they’re not changing anything which means 2 million barrels of oil will continue to be slashed from daily output. All Putin has to ...
  • 14:58
    0 0 0 1193
    The crisis is unfolding!
    This video was made and produced in Austria.