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Videos using the tag #civil disobedience (x)
5 videos found.
  • 0 0 0 984
    Order Document: -------------------- Neighborhood Emergency Preparedness Plan Template pdf Law of the Land Handbook, pdf: Law of the Land Handbook, Audio only: Law of the Land Handbook, 5”X7” paperback: ht...
  • 0 0 0 429
    Thousands of demonstrators marched in central Athens to mark the anniversary of the 2008 fatal police shooting of a teenager, which sparked Greece’s worst riots in decades. Unrest broke out in the capital after the end of the anniversary march, with some setting trash cans on fire. Police said 19 people were detained.
  • 0 0 0 675
    A call to all Canadians to stop working from the 21st of Feb until Trudeau resigns.A  Call for Civil Disobedience.