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Videos using the tag #soverign debt crisis (x)
7 videos found.
  • HOT

    0 0 0 28
    Dr Vernon Coleman explains the shocking truth behind everything that has changed our lives in recent years.
  • by dtrader
    0 0 0 782
    PLEASE SHARE !! Yellen Calls for Emergency Meeting as Surging Depositor Outflows Threaten to Crash More Banks !!!! GET YOUR MONEY OUT BEFORE BANK RUNS !!
  • 19:29
    by dtrader
    0 0 0 821
     PAKISTAN is on the verge of DEAFULT and is facing ECONOMIC MELTDOWN as the country runs out of Cash and Energy & Food Costs continue to Escalate. Pakistan has over $275 BILLION of DEBT and requires over $30 BILLION to service its debt and purchase FUEL & FOOD over the next 6 months. An urgent BAILOUT is needed and Pak...
  • by Wake Up
    0 0 0 547
    *Persatuan Restoran Mamak Malaysia (PRMM) has 17,351 restaurants in Malaysia. They have been donating RM 10/mth to Dr. Zakir Naik. Monthly fixed income given to him at RM175,000.00 every month not only to destroy unity of this Nation but also to propogate Islamic values to non-muslim natives.*
    Spending your money by patronising in...
  • 0 0 0 406
    So what BlackRock is doing with their investments and influence is very important to us, if we want to front run their moves and protect our assets, retirement accounts and our freedoms!
    So in this video, I break down:

     Just how influential and powerful BlackRock really is How they are able to control and evade oversi...
  • 18:41
    by dtrader
    0 0 0 512
    BIS analysis finds ‘huge’ debts hidden in FX derivatives is the reason they want to swap your money inside the banks to useless CBDC's. They are bankrupt folks to the tune of 100s of Trillions of Dollars. 
    The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) is a relatively unheard of bank, for most. The so-called “c...
  • by askfind
    0 0 0 725
    Sovereign Debt Crisis on a global scale next on the horizon. The Forger has ran out of opportunities to forge any further. Inflation and Hyper Inflation and debt monetization is whats going to occur. Crisis is in motion in case you wonder.