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Videos using the tag #Hong Kong (x)
6 videos found.
  • 08:23
    0 0 0 428
    Tse Chi Lop has been extradited to face trial. Called a kingpin of global stature; a drug baron who the United Nations compares to the biggest in underworld history: El Chapo and Pablo Escobar, with guesstimated revenue of $18 billion a year. Let me tell you about it. ** PLEASE TAP "THANKS" BUTTON OR JOIN ME ON PATREON: http://patr...
  • 0 0 0 522
    South China Morning Post: Hong Kong’s pricey property market has a dark side – cramped and claustrophobic subdivided flats, where people live in spaces as small as 15 sq ft (1.4 sq metres). What is life like inside a flat smaller than a prison cell?…
  • 0 0 0 679
    Not reported via propadanda mainstream media. China is under significant attack by so called virus Omicron which has been mild everywhere else hitting 300 deaths today in Hong Kong and overwhelming the system to cope with makeshit refrigerators to store bagged bodies and coffins are runing short. From Intel reports these viruses ar...
  • 0 0 0 683
    GRAVITAS reports HONG KONG: SHIPPING CONTAINERS HIRED TO STORE DEAD BODIES. Emphasis ours - What no one is reporting Hong Kong is under attack via Bio Warfare and these bio labs are based out of Taiwan and this is pushing China to make a move on the CIA Bio Labs in Taiwan just like Putin moving into Ukraine. Prep now. Wake up. Its ...
  • 0 0 0 1423
    An exodus out of Hong Kong continues into Singapore and other areas of South East Asia. Malaysia too has been benefitting from these activities due to its neutral stance. Meanwhile, A rise in COVID cases to 50,000+ a day over the past week prompted Hong Kong's authorities to build truly massive isolation facility.
  • 0 0 0 437
    Hong Kong has been completely destroyed by the Chinese Communist Party, CCP, recently announced it is going to test the entire city of almost 8 Million people and 10000 rooms will be required and CCP medical agents will be required as the city state testing capacity is limited. In other words to put the final nail in the coffin for...