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Videos using the tag #Dr. Sam Bailey (x)
10 videos found.
  • by askfind
    0 0 0 28
    Dr. Sam Bailey: Is Immunity Real?
  • 0 0 0 632
    Many adults and children have been subjected to aluminium poisoning. While this can happen from environmental sources inadvertently, millions have been injected with vaccines laced with aluminium under the euphemism ‘adjuvant’. In this video, I will explain why doctors are not taught about chronic aluminium toxicity and...
  • 0 0 0 574
    What is in the so-calledCOVID-19 “Vaccines”?
    Part 1: Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity:\u26a0\ufe0f
    \u26a0\ufe0fScanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines\u26a0\ufe0f
  • 0 0 0 594
    This is the best presentation and production yet on the Rockefeller take-over of medicine, with all THE COLLUSION AND CORRUPTION EXPODED!! The DDT/Polio thesis represents the major historical turning point for political criticism of the sciences …
  • 0 0 0 776
    How many times do we get shown pictures that are said to depict "viruses"? While this seems to trick the majority of people, I know you guys will be suspicious and will want a deeper dive into these claims. Let's crack open the black box of Electron Microscopy and see what these UVO's really are!
  • HOT

    0 0 0 1497
    I've been listening to your requests and although MANY of you realise that "Covid" is a scam, the question still gets asked: What Is Making People Sick? Here is my 16 minutes worth. Obviously, I can't cover everything, but I've tried to summarise things in a cheeky way
  • 0 0 0 1129
    Dr. Sam Bailey interview Dr. Thomas Cowan about the scam-demic, His views on immunology, virology and the direction of modern day medicine that is being institutionalized as opposed to test, repeat, test, repeat... before any conclusion are drawn
  • HOT

    0 0 0 891
    Dr Rochagné Kilian - Blows the Whistle on Covid-19 Vaccines and D-Dimer Levels
    Emergency Medicine Specialist Dr. Rochagné Kilian blows the whistle on the concerning rise in D-dimer levels in patients after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. This detailed, well-referenced video explains the phenomenon of micro-clotting, an...