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Videos using the tag #Rockefeller's Lock Step (x)
11 videos found.
  • 0 0 0 23
    Pro-Palestinian protesters are backed by a surprising source: Biden’s biggest donors
    Some of the most outspoken groups against Biden and Israel get funding from foundations attached to some of the biggest names in Democratic circles. President Joe Biden has been dogged for months by pro-Palestinian protesters calling him &ld...
  • 0 0 0 35
    Jeff Rense: Gates and Rockefeller - Population Reduction - Soft Kill by "Vaccination" Mirrored from SixthSense
  • 0 0 0 573
    Pureblood Proudly non-vaxxxed...Share this stuff...SUBSCRIBE for regular UpdatesI am not a content creator ... I merely find good information and share it , Some of the things I share may not come to pass, I may not even agree with all of it but what I do share I find to be interesting, NOBODY gets it 100% right but I do try, My ho...
  • 0 0 0 438
    Rockefeller MedicineAs Americans fret about the Obamacare website and wonder how the country became enslaved to the highest healthcare costs in the world, we turn back the pages to look at how the modern medical paradigm came together in the early 20th century, courtesy of the Rockefeller Foundation and their cronies. Join us this ...
  • HOT

    by askfind
    0 0 0 1394
    \u26a0\ufe0fWhat is in the so-calledCOVID-19 “Vaccines”? Part 1: Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity:\u26a0\ufe0f \u26a0\ufe0fScanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines\u26a0…
  • 0 0 0 595
    This is the best presentation and production yet on the Rockefeller take-over of medicine, with all THE COLLUSION AND CORRUPTION EXPODED!! The DDT/Polio thesis represents the major historical turning point for political criticism of the sciences …
  • 0 0 0 1132
    Wake up!. See EVENT 201, Senator Ron Johnson Second Opinion, Plandemic. Know they are fudging the numbers to keep the narrative going. MSM, BIG PHARMA and Politicians in the same bed.
  • 0 0 0 563
    Benjamin Fulford: 20 years experience as a professional writer and journalist. Have sold over 500,000 non-fiction books written in Japanese. Have produced a comprehensive catalogue of scoops in field ranging from business to yakuza gangsters to high finance to government corruption.
    Now focused on exposing U.S. manipulation of Jap...
  • 0 0 0 529
    If you think the CORONAVIRUS IS NOVEL. You are partially right, its a NOVEL SCANDAL. Patents were filed and planned well before 2020.
  • 0 0 0 1219
    Covid-19 A Planned Pandemic To Destroy Nation States And Put Citizens Into Slavery. It was never about health but the means to implement total control over every aspect of Life, Legalizing's Corruption with Public -  Private Partnerships, Where without any questions the government working with Big Pharma in secret deals to inj...