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Videos using the tag #Justin Turdeau (x)
5 videos found.
  • 0 0 0 842
    All social media platforms below please Follow, Subscribe & Join Today.t…
  • 0 0 0 817
    Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson will lose his license to practice as a psychologist for daring to retweet Pierre Poilievre and being critical of Justin Trudeau and his allies. It demonstrates that Canada has been taken over by communists who want to impose wrong think on the population, and remove the ability to earn a living...
  • 0 0 0 758
    Published 15 Jan 2021. \u25baRead the documents for yourself: Keean Bexte reveals some explosive information provided to him by a high-ranking member of the Canadian Armed Forces regarding the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic. FULL REPORT from Keean Bexte: Rebel News: Telling the...
  • 0 0 0 485
    How do you become a politician? You sleep with another man so they can control you until you're dead, even if you're straight. We used to have respect for fudgepackers but their silence on the LGBTQ+ agenda and inducting pedophilia into kids is sadistic. Until such time as they remain part of LGBTQ+ instead of just LGB, they'll rem...
  • by askfind
    0 0 0 439
    After Justin Turdeau did his interview Anons on 4chan tracked him down to his exact hiding spot .. 1281 Lynn Road, Tofino, BC. Coward-19 . 
    Canadian support of removing TrudeauShare this.. Call this number 1-800-465-6890. It’s the Attorney General of Canada (and Minister of Justice), David Lametti’s number, and te...