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Videos using the tag #Foundational Knowledge (x)
6 videos found.
  • by askfind
    0 0 0 574
    Anyone who wants to control other's is the Adversary. Uniformed thug's have no more rightful authority than murdering rapist scum...... because they are that, though most of them are so ignorant and malignant they can not see it, it is self evident truth. -Vigilant-Sol
  • 0 0 0 533
    If people knew they used a fragment of HIV, the stem cells from the 293rd aborted live baby in the 3rd trimester that was alive with no anesthesia, and finally Mrna that changes your genetic code and the toxic spike protein that attacks every organ in your body. They would never have consented to the experimental injection that is ...
  • 0 0 0 544
    What do you mean Viruses don't exist? No One has yet to prove the existence of Covid they can't even agree if it was Lab made or Zoonotic. If its Lab Made then its probable cause for profit. Foundation Knowledge.
  • 0 0 0 469
    Nothing in this video is legal or financial advise. This is a relay of the knowledge I have gathered in my studies. A brief video identifying key elements of the Birth (berth) Certificate Fraud which takes place the moment we are all born. Identifying the fraud is the starting point for most individuals on their Sovereign journeys....
  • 0 0 0 854
    On a daily basis I hear individuals misuse the term "Conspiracy Theory". It's important to distinguish a "theory" from a "fact". When a Conspiracy has taken action towards its objective, it is not a theory any longer, it's a fact; a crime!
  • 0 0 0 1062
    Fake news continues to plague the earth but is beginning to lose its might. Learn the definition of "fake news" and "propaganda". Identify what is real and what is fake or misleading. I know the video is a little bit long, but please enjoy as much of it as you get through! Do your research and follow your heart.