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Videos using the tag #Kyle Kemper (x)
6 videos found.
  • 0 0 0 589
    Trudeau's Hypocrisy is showing: "Everyone in China Should be Allowed to Express Themselves..and indeed Protest". But don't ask him about the Canadian Trucker protests earlier this year. justin trudeau,justin trudeau speech,oooh cat puss in boots,o…
  • 0 0 0 421
    Kyle Kemper rejoins the program to share information about the Freedom Convoy and the current situation in Canada. He shares his thoughts about the movement, his brother, and the tyranny the country and world is under. His message is thoughtful and inspirational. I hope his brother is listening and finds the courage in his soul to ...
  • 0 0 0 315
    Here it is clearly, World Economic Forum has Justin by the balls either blackmail or something on him and he doesnt represent Canadians in any way but that of the New World Order.
  • 0 0 0 999
    This is a revealing discussion between Kyle Kemper, Pat King and Amina. At the 6 minutes 38 seconds mark of this video, Pat King asks Kyle Kemper what he meant in the Western Standard Online video interview about his concern for Justin on 'whatever they have [on you]' ... in the previous video. Kyle answers that he has some concern...
  • 0 0 0 779
    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's half-brother, Kyle Kemper, says he would sign the petition for Justin to step down. Kyle also supports the Freedom Convoy 2022 and no mandates. Petition:
  • 0 0 0 897
    Brother of Justin Trudeau Kyle Kemper says he loves his brother and encourages him to see that enough is enough. Justin Trudeau's half brother, Kyle Kemper, not only supports Freedom Truckers, he says the Covid vaccine is fake, it's just a financial scam from globalist controlled pharmaceutical cabal, to steal from taxpayers....