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Videos using the tag #Malaysia AEFI Victim (x)
18 videos found.
  • 28:01
    0 0 0 54
    As Israel's war on Gaza continues to escalate, the world witnesses a rising death toll and worsening devastation. Malaysia critiques international reactions, questioning the role of the United States and other global powers in fostering peace or fueling conflict. In an exclusive interview, Malaysia's Anwar Ibrahim discusses the pre...
  • 0 0 0 1368
    Singer, actor, emcee and television host Roslan Shah suddenly collapsed while being interviewed live on TV3 today.
    Roslan, 52, who is recovering at a private hospital, fainted during the live telecast of popular women’s talk show Wanita Hari Ini (WHI) at Sri Pentas, Bandar Utama, Petaling Jaya.
    While conducting an interview...
  • 20:26
    0 0 0 750
    All Governments are a Business. According to the World Economic Forum its called Public - Private Partnership. Try asking for the contract of Covid Vaccines from the Health Minister or try asking Singapore Government Treasury for the balance on the National Treasury, they are all protected under "Official Secrecy Acts", what if the...
  • 09:30
  • by Wake Up
    0 0 0 493
    *** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (November 2022). The missing Malaysia airline flight 370 airplane was hijacked by the Draco reptilian chimera fake aliens incarnate avatar pedophile cannibal Satanist elites to the U.S. Navy&...
  • 0 0 0 678
    Malaysia: Mahathir Mohamad loses elections for first time in over 50 yrs, had granted permanent residency to Indian hate preacher Zakir Naik.
    Naik is currently in Qatar and is expected to preach Islam on the sidelines of the FIFA World Cup that kicks off today.
    In 2016, when India charged Islamic preacher and terror sym...
  • 0 0 0 596
    Dr. Betsy Eads exposes the breaking news about MALAYSIAN DOCTOR PUT TO DEATH FOR GIVING COVID INJECTION under the Nuremburg Code. This sets a worldwide precedent. Every doctor, nurse, pharmacist and technician - and those who coerced or forced th…
  • 0 0 0 1360
    Another death blamed on anything but the vaccine. Malaysia.
    A football referee in Kajang, Malaysia collapsed and died during a match on Monday 19 minutes into the game, reports Malay Mail. - The Kajang Police Department (IPD) received an emergency call at 4:17 pm regarding the victim in his 50’s who was confirmed dead a...
  • 0 0 0 660
    Malaysians are waking up to the facts. The PCR tests scandal, the alliance with Eco Alliance in Malaysia for CaronaVirus Research, the same corrupt government of world renowned 1MBD fund scandal, disappearing planes with no explanations and its not a coincidence, that the health minister is associated with the World Economic Forum ...
  • 0 0 0 787
    Here is the voice of a well informed Malaysian mother expressing her frustrations. Many of us share her plight. Check out the full video where she highlights the government's mismanagement of not just the covid pandemic but other harsh realities that we are facing right now.
  • 0 0 0 455
    Report on the Health Minister of Malaysia, Khairy Jamaluddin,  A Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.   
  • 01:13
    0 0 0 250
    The Health Ministry has verified a letter from the Kajang prison director which detailed 18 serious cases of adverse events following immunisation (AEFI) – including two deaths – among the inmates, after pictures of the letter went viral on social media. The ministry noted that it has received the reports on the cases a...
  • 09:22
  • 01:21
  • 11:59
    0 0 0 749
    Sara's mother passed away in the hospital last month after her second dose. This is her story. Is AEFI a real problem that is being deliberately swept under the carpet? Or is Sara also, “flat-out lying”, as suggested by one shameful excuse for a Minister? What do you think, fellow Malaysians? #SolidarityAEFI Link on Bit...