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Videos using the tag #Sarah Westall (x)
4 videos found.
  • by dtrader
    0 0 0 559
    Andy Schectman rejoins the program to discuss the signs that are appearing everywhere pointing to the collapse of the Western monetary system. We discuss the latest moves and signs as well as what the overall strategy could be. We also question the motives of our politicians considering their moves are undermining the livelihoods o...
  • 0 0 0 624
    Sarah Westall - Business Game Changers Radio: Attorney Tom Renz rejoins the program to share even more DoD whistleblower data that he was unable to share at Senator Ron Johnson's hearing PLUS he has even more explosive information to share about the coverup by the DoD. Make no mistake, we are witnessing mass genocide and the data p...
  • 0 0 0 1300
    Harley Schlanger returns to the program to discuss the Ukraine war, what is actually going on in the country and how the Great Reset ties into the conflict. We also discuss the disgusting and incredible fleecing of America occurring right now by the Globalists, the Federal Reserve and the Biden Administration who are determined to ...
  • 0 0 0 639
    Harley Schlanger returns to the program to discuss the Ukraine war, what is actually going on in the country and how the Great Reset ties into the conflict. We also discuss the disgusting and incredible fleecing of America occurring right now by the Globalists, the Federal Reserve and the Biden Administration who are determined to ...