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Videos using the tag #supply chains (x)
5 videos found.
  • 29:36
    0 0 0 945
    ???? Watch The Final War, the documentary exposing the CCP's 100-year plan to destroy America ???? Resources: ???? Sekur: ------------------ \u2b55\ufe0f Follow us on GAN JING WORLD: \u2b55\ufe0f Subscribe for updates:
  • 07:52
    0 0 0 454
    There’s a joke in China which says, ​​“everything is fake but your mother,” or “we can copy everything except your mother.” When it comes to counterfeit goods, no one can beat China. There’s nothing that would escape the scope of China’s counterfeiting factories. From luxury items like Gucc...
  • 09:55
    0 0 0 780
    The supply chain breakdown has been evident the lumber industry. What to expect. [email protected] real mail P.O. 731 Astoria , OR 97103 Instagram ...
  • 0 0 0 897
    A look at which countries will run out of food first and where social disorder will arise through the next two months. Signs to look for as fertilizer shortages are number crunched. The panic buys will start globally. Hope this helps you prepare for what is inbound by May/June 2022.
  • HOT

    0 0 0 1559
    Food shortages are a global problem now and there isn't a single country that hasn't been affected by this over the last year American shoppers fired up social media complaining of empty shelves at Walmarts and Meijer stores, after being met with empty meat isles. And some large grocery stores in Florida & California were actua...