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Videos using the tag #food shortages (x)
14 videos found.

    by Wake Up
    0 0 0 29
    Dr. Peter McCullough claims that the upcoming bird flu plannedemic will be a made up crisis to strike more fear and even a food shortage by culling chickens. The left-wing, socialist global elites truly want to reduce global population.
    FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available f...
  • 0 0 0 33
    18 new 'Hunger Hotspots' added to UN list
    According to a new United Nations report, acute food insecurity is set to increase in 18 hotspots, including Gaza, South Sudan, Mali, and Haiti.
    By Jessica JeyamaridasGaza, Haiti, South Sudan and Mali are among the 'Hunger Hotspots' at greatest risk of food insecurity.
    That's according ...
  • 46:38
    0 0 0 1231
    The world is facing a food crisis. The UN World Food Programme warned that "a record 345 million acutely hungry people are marching to the brink of starvation”. Soybeans are the world's most traded crop, a key ingredient in most animal feed. Poultry and pig farmers everywhere depend on soybean meal to grow their livestock. In...
  • HOT

    0 0 0 1122
    The food supply is under attack. But by whom? And for what purpose? Find out the dirty truth about the global food crisis and how the powers-that-shouldn't-be are trying to use this crisis as an opportunity to usher in the Great Food Reset on today's fast-paced edition of The Corbett Report podcast.
  • 05:22
    by askfind
    0 0 0 1113
    Britain has struggled with inflation over the past year, in large part because of energy costs. But other factors - including Brexit and a standoff between suppliers and grocers - have created something more alarming in recent: visible food shortages.  Subscribe:
  • 0 0 0 3502
    Fuck Joe Biden has instituted planned food shortages to starve Americans
  • 0 0 0 1838
    Emerald Robinson breaks down the latest regarding food shortages and their ties to Bill Gates.
  • by Wake Up
    0 0 0 547
    *Persatuan Restoran Mamak Malaysia (PRMM) has 17,351 restaurants in Malaysia. They have been donating RM 10/mth to Dr. Zakir Naik. Monthly fixed income given to him at RM175,000.00 every month not only to destroy unity of this Nation but also to propogate Islamic values to non-muslim natives.*
    Spending your money by patronising in...
  • 08:50
    0 0 0 987
    Webster University assistant professor Ralph Schoellhammer says the Dutch government's plan to shut down 3,000 farms in a bid to comply with EU emissions standards is a “war against humanity”. Mr Schoellhammer said these decisions are made due to a “cultish ideology”. “We get the promises that ‘o...
  • 0 0 0 438
    Sign Up For Exclusive Episodes At Merch - Hosts: Tim @Timcast (everywhere) Ian @IanCrossland (everywhere) Luke @WeAreChange (YouTube) @LukeWeAreChange (Twitter) Serge @sergedotcom (everywhe…
  • 0 0 0 288
    Ghana: Demonstration against soaring prices and the President in Ghana as the country faces record inflation of 37% and a collapse of its currency. \u27a1\ufe0f
  • HOT

    0 0 0 872
    Wicked Globalists Are Causing Starvation and Poverty Under the Guise of Environmentalism Trump/patriot-friendly free speech social media & video sites... -…
  • by askfind
    0 0 0 1230
    Eric Gajewski from TradCatKnight and David DuByne of ADAPT 2030 discuss food shortages that will manifest in 2022 because of fertilizer shortages and countries banning grain exports because of the Ukraine conflict.
  • HOT

    0 0 0 1919
    Food shortages are a global problem now and there isn't a single country that hasn't been affected by this over the last year American shoppers fired up social media complaining of empty shelves at Walmarts and Meijer stores, after being met with empty meat isles. And some large grocery stores in Florida & California were actua...