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Videos using the tag #Freedom Convoy (x)
37 videos found.
  • 0 0 0 1118
    Poison Shots, The WEF, War, Justice, Staying United, Healing The "Vaccine" injured, and a Healthier Future For All Of Us
    It was an honor to be welcomed onto the stage at Queens park by Dr Chris Shoemaker, who has relentlessly lead the charge of covid truth and human rights at Queens park for the past year.
    At the rally, we met ma...
  • 0 0 0 457
    if it's not on mainstream fake news media it's got to be true copyright owned by mistersunshinebaby REMEMBER WHEN MICHAEL JACKSON STARTED TALKING ABOUT THE ILLUMINATI AND WHO RUNS HOLLYWOOD?
  • 0 0 0 1108
    Gabriel Poliquin, lawyer for the Public Order Emergency Commission, was leading an Ontario bureaucrat through his evidence when he suddenly fell down from the podium where he stood." - Tonda MacCharles, Alex Ballingall The cause of the incident is …
  • 00:30
    0 0 0 368
    Proceedings were paused at the public inquiry looking into the federal government's use of the Emergencies Act on Thursday afternoon after a medical incident...
  • 0 0 0 969
    COVID cases are plummeting across the U.S., in some places even falling to relatively manageable levels. But deaths remain stubbornly high.
    The big picture: States and cities of all political stripes are removing mask and vaccine mandates as the Omicron variant loses steam, though in some regions there's still a ways to go be...
  • 0 0 0 522
    During a Friday afternoon press conference, Interim Ottawa Police Chief Steve Bell told reporters that Ottawa police have made at least 70 arrests (including high profile organizers Tamara Lich, Chris Barber and Pat King) and towed at least 21 vehicles.

    Bell said the plan to move in on protesters “methodical” and well thought ou...
  • 0 0 0 1165
    Citizens United Take Their Countries Back from Corrupt breaucrats and Big Pharma rebates based crony capitalism.

    Israel Freedom Convoy is just starting up with convoys from 40 cities across the country......
  • 02:11
    0 0 0 751
    Israel Announces the removal of health passports which had nothing to do with health but control under pressure from Israel very own Freedom Convoy. Time for accountability of all those who coerced, threatened humanity under the emergency of Medical Tyranny. Wake Up!. Expose them. Do not let them to save face by claiming cases...
  • 0 0 0 767
    The very same governments pitching Democracy and Human Rights fail to maintain the same at home. Covid-19 exposes everything!. In Australia, MORE RADIATION BURN VICTIMS FROM MICROWAVE ENERGY WEAPON USED ON CANBERRA FREEDOM CONVOY
  • HOT

    by askfind
    0 0 0 490
    After fundraising site was hacked, the press doxes donors and the authoritarian mob threatens violence. But govt ignores the threats while pushing baseless conspiracy theories about protestors. Additionally some donors were arrested. Democracy Trudeau Casto Style.
  • 0 0 0 452
    Truckers have requested all Canadians to withdraw their money from the banks which in turn resulted in outages and asked everyone to stay at home for a week, to show Trudeau he is the real small fringe. Civil Disobedience at its best!
  • by askfind
    0 0 0 714
    Dr. Robert Malone’s Message To Freedom Convoy
  • 0 0 0 330
    He nails it. Why have we not been upset until now? Why have we waited? Source: Rob Lee Truth. More videos you may like: The Scam of P$ychiatry - No real disease and no real cure. Big pharma makes billions while harming .......
  • 0 0 0 427
    Dr Nagase speaks on the spiritual and physical realities brought forth by the Truckers Freedom Convoy 2022
  • 0 0 0 527
  • 0 0 0 395
    The wheels are falling off for the Globalist. The Freedom Convoy is coming to a City near you. It all exposed, Remember everyone who conspired against the people. From Radio Hosts Singing Songs, "Get the Vax to be Free" to main stream media instill fear and then coercing the government propaganda Mandates. Its going to be EPIC. ....
  • HOT

    0 0 0 601
    America is Rising!; What is Really Driving States to Reverse Lockdowns?; America is Rising, & SoCal Next Site for Huge ‘Defeat The Mandates’ Event; Top Expert Exposes The Hit on Ivermectin; The Coming Debut of ‘God Over Government’ Guest: Pierre Kory, MD, MPA
  • HOT

    0 0 0 360
    Update from Freedom Convoy Leader and Spokesman.