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Videos using the tag #digital identity (x)
10 videos found.
  • HOT

    0 0 0 19
    After the failed attempt to keep digital passports online after the pandemic, Jefferey Jaxen discusses how a newly passed digital ID bill in the Australian parliament may be paving the way for the country to go completely cashless. Then, learn how private banks are using your purchasing data to sell to advertisers, and how fast foo...
  • HOT

  • 0 0 0 549
    Locals My Links Outro Audio taken from Youtube Audio Library 1812 Overture ( Tchaikovsky )
  • 29:00
  • 0 0 0 506
    Digital ID and vaccine passports are the beginning of a ‘social credit system’ where “Europe is turning into China” says Eva Vlaardingerbroek
  • 0 0 0 350
    Just like accepting the terms and conditions of any app or software, you are giving them access to your microphone, camera, and personal data... it's all there for them to access. Like giving the thieves the key to your front door. source katus htt…
  • 0 0 0 1142
    The simple question is, should we trust the Trusted Digital Identity Bill? The simple answer is, not on your life. We shouldn’t trust the speed they want to rush it through, we shouldn’t trust the complex wording and the vagueness. Frankly, if the people do not propose it, do not trust it. The idea of elected representa...