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Videos using the tag #Cyber Polygon (x)
18 videos found.
  • 0 0 0 426
    mminent Cyber Attack for a New World Order Source: Greg Reese 
  • 0 0 0 388
    Health Ranger Report Hosted by Mike Adams.
  • 30:35
  • HOT

  • 0 0 0 618
    With all the distractions going on in the world. It's sometimes hard to see the forest thru the trees. Be aware all that you see now is part of the plan. The destruction of FREEDOM.
    3/10/2022 The Next Step WILL BE a Cyber Attack. It's part of the Destruction Of THE USA PUTIN BIDEN...

    0 0 0 684

    0 0 0 725
    THEY WILL DO ANYTHING TO STAY IN POWER.Cyber Polygon furthers great reset agenda of centralized power & surveillance Immunize the internet, demonize cryptocurrencies & supersize centralization: a perspective on Cyber Polygon 2021 Cyber Polygon 2021 concludes with discussions paving a path towards a greater centralization of...
  • 0 0 0 733
    Planet Lockdown 2022. Documentary. Take action now and rise up, or you will never be free!
  • 0 0 0 501
    The Great C0vid Jab Side Effect Cover-Up Record numbers of adverse reactions and even deaths have been caused by the various Covid jabs, yet the ones we know about are just the tip of the iceberg. Are we witnessing the greatest medical cover-up in …
  • 13:42
    0 0 0 304
    We speak with The Nation’s national affairs correspondent John Nichols on the occasion of his new book, “Coronavirus Criminals and Pandemic Profiteers: Accountability for Those Who Caused the Crisis,” which takes aim at the CEOs and political figures who put profits over people during the coronavirus pandemic. The...
  • 0 0 0 332
    In October of 2019 The World Economic Forum (WEF) organized a simulation called “Event 201” to test what a global reaction to a global pandemic might look like just a few months before the exact same scenario played out in real life. Now, the WEF along with Russia’s Sberbank and its cybersecurity subsidiary BI.ZON...
  • 0 0 0 382
    This guy makes perfect sense. The next plandemic reset will be ushered in with Cyber Polygon. They will use this to take more of our freedoms away and introduce the digital ID and social credit system. It coming unless we make a stand now and take these bastards down for good. We are in world war 3 which side will be stand with. Ha...
  • 0 0 0 482
    Battleground Melbourne tells the story of the Fall of the World's Most Liveable City, through the eyes of those who risked everything to save it. We've been called every name you can imagine, the media, politicians, and the 'I stand with Dan' crowd have used every baseless slur you can imagine, and probably many you can't, to try a...
  • 0 0 0 486
    A war for your thoughts, beliefs and behavior is fought for every day. An excellent video by Shaking My Part 1: Head Productions. More videos you might like: It's beginning to look a lot like Genocide…
  • 01:43:44
    0 0 0 235
    Watch 97% OWNED, a documentary that reveals how the creation of credit and the mystery that surrounds it, is at the root of our current social and economic crisis. ????