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Videos using the tag #bird flu (x)
9 videos found.
  • 0 0 0 6
    Stop consuming those chickens!
    Fake bird flu and covid grifters and the promo-code nonsense for The Wellness company and how these grifters aren’t any different than the COVID lie pushers;
    A grifter is a con artis...
  • 0 0 0 15
    Unlike COVID, the bird flu has one distinctly different feature that is threatening American food security. As nearly 100 million birds and counting have been culled, will governments use this tragic opportunity to push net zero goals? #BirdFlu #A…
  • 0 0 0 19
    EU Bird flu vaccine Bernard Valter Art Bernard Valter Music…
  • by Wake Up
    0 0 0 19
    As a result of not accomplishing their goal of murdering more people than they did with the covid shot, now they are getting ready to kill off the rest with the poisonous Bird Flu Vaccine which Bill Gates already has out for trial. If you listen to lying CNN, they're already pushing the hype to put fear into the people again. 33 Bi...
  • 0 0 0 26
    If you fall for this again, then you deserve what's coming to you.Everything is being done to interfere with the next presidential election and Bird Flu is the next Plandemic to kill as many more as possible.
    The Globalists only killed and injured just over 1 billion people during the fake Covid Pandemic so here goes their 2nd try...
  • HOT

  • 01:19
    0 0 0 50
    US officials have confirmed a second human case of bird flu, this time in a dairy worker in Michigan who experienced mild symptoms and recovered. The CDC assures the risk to the public is low, with no evidence of human-to-human transmission. The infected individual had regular contact with livestock affected by bird flu, raising co...
  • 0 0 0 782
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  • 0 0 0 997
    ================ Zoonotic transmission (Bull***t) of an "apocalyptic bird flu," H5N1, has been reported in the UK, boasting a 50+% fatality rate for humans. However, digging deeper reveals that the asymptomatic "patient zero" was tested "constantly" until returning the result (false positive?) that authorities need to justify the o...