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Videos using the tag #Nuremberg (x)
9 videos found.
  • 0 0 0 514
  • 0 0 0 461
    Quote "Its as I said, the Nazi philosophy of useless eaters that was condemned in the Nuremberg judgment in 1946. The the Nazis, you know, the poor, the oppressed, the downtrodden, people of color, gays, etc.. They'll be wiped out. That's the agenda here, as I see it. I think there is one other point so people can understand the se...
  • 0 0 0 482
    Dr. Betsy Eads exposes the breaking news about MALAYSIAN DOCTOR PUT TO DEATH FOR GIVING COVID INJECTION under the Nuremburg Code. This sets a worldwide precedent. Every doctor, nurse, pharmacist and technician - and those who coerced or forced th…
  • 0 0 0 397
    The HighWire host Del Bigtree made headlines in the press last week after calling for a ‘New Nuremberg Trial’, one which holds journalists accountable for the suppression of life saving information on effective early treatments during the pandemic, which experts say may have lead to 500k deaths attributed to Covid....
  • 0 0 0 257
    The Sons of Liberty’s health and wellness expert Kate Shemirani joins me with exciting news concerning a criminal investigation into the fraudulently called “vaccine” and it has a criminal reference number that people can use to shut down any and all places issuing the deadly COVID shot! She’ll also be expos...