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Videos using the tag #Dr. Zelenko (x)
4 videos found.
  • 0 0 0 12
    YUVAL NOAH HARARI as a man who doesn't know whether he is a man or woman and a sodomite. The Right hand man for another phag, Klaus Schwab. These globalist pedophiles are ruling over your governments and unleashed death jabs on the world, they want you dead or enslaved. Wake up. 
  • HOT

    by askfind
    0 0 0 886
    RED VOICE MEDIA - Dr. Zelenko: "These shots have destroyed the innate immune system... People that took two shots are worse than people that took one shot. 3, even worse... They've acquired an immune deficiency syndrome."
  • 0 0 0 1038
    At about 18:30 Dr. Zelenko Speaks about Bad Players at the CDC getting POTUS Trump's Executive Order to make hydroxychloroquine available to every single American revoked by using a RETRACTED BOGUS Lancet HCQ Study. This was done because while HCQ under EO and Emergency Use Authorization for treatment of Covid No Other medicine cou...