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Videos using the tag #medfical tyranny (x)
3 videos found.
  • 0 0 0 911
    Sunday Mass - BOOM! Vig Viganò for the win AGAIN! Viganò to Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International. "Pandemic is Only the First Step." Worth the read and who would have thought that it is Viganò coming up huge each time to set matters straight! Big praise! ‘Dear and distinguished friends, Allow me...
  • by Wake Up
    0 0 0 563
    Former US president Donald Trump has claimed that he is “the father of the vaccine” for coronavirus, attacking his successor Joe Biden for taking credit for the much-improved US response to the crisis.…
  • 0 0 0 931
    You will never trust a ‘Celebrity’ again when you watch this.
    This is genocide, and we are being lied to be actors and celebreties that have been put on a pedatsal so they can influence our actions and decisions.
    Look for the eveidence about adverse reaction, there are thousands.. yet they have been censored by the go...