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Videos using the tag #anti-china-protest (x)
3 videos found.
  • 11:57
    0 0 0 454
    Foreigners can no longer withdraw their money in mainland China This is not a joke, folks. Even investment guru Mark Mobius is unable to withdraw his cash from HSBC in Shanghai. Mobius, who has been investing in China for 30 years and has a wide network of connections in China, personally told Fox host Maria Bartiromo that he's una...
  • 13:42
    0 0 0 527
    Why are people shouting "China must go" on the streets of Kenya? Join me for the China Show, a weekly dive into what's happening in China: And my Secret Show can be found at: Support Sasha and I on Patreon: Bitcoin - bc1qxfjp2t6x...
  • 15:43
    0 0 0 395
    Workers at an iPhone factory in China rebel over Covid measures and failed promises. China's zero covid policy has become chaos, which is why the government is trying to downplay its anti-covid measures. Former US presidential candidate and Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg apologized to China over remarks former UK Prime Mi...