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7 videos found.
  • by Wake Up
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  • 0 0 0 1095
    7-Year-Old ‘Leanne Sofia Ariba’ From The Philippines Died After Receiving The Pfizer Vaccine First dose (Pfizer): February 7, 2022 Died suddenly: May 28, 2022 Leanne was such a cute little girl! She had her entire life ahead of her. #CrimesAgainstChildren Photo credit: Covid Vaccine Victims Philippines
  • 0 0 0 938
    Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world - even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet... we never seem to believe them. The Stew Peters Network is proud to present DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stump...
  • 0 0 0 607
    The European (EEA and non-EEA countries) database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, verified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and they are now reporting 48,817 fatalities, and 5,107,883 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots. European politicians and others are waking up to the ...
  • 0 0 0 532
    This is a crazy must see. An insane theory backed up and then backed up again. But still, you find yourself not being able to fully believe it. SHARE and talk about it..... Before you cant... Join @disclosurehub - Source: Disc…
  • 0 0 0 1441
    In tnis episode of the Stew Peters Show, he highlights Dr Jane Ruby's findings that the vaccine is a bio-weapon now targeted at babies.
    One dad lost his 11 months old baby because of the vaccine.
    This corroborates with findings of Dr David Martin and how the COVID was patented in 2002 and is a "pathogen that can with stand the b...