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Videos using the tag #Rand Paul (x)
5 videos found.
  • 0 0 0 15
    Ron Paul: The Coup Against America. Congress Has Surrendered it's Authority 6-8-2024- Ron Paul on Tucker Carlson-Even when Directly Asked WHO RUNS THE DEEP STATE, Ron Paul Chickens Out and Jokes his way out. Sad...-ALWAYS REMEMBER-NO ONE BENEFITS MORE FROM THE FEDERAL RESERVE THAN CONGRESS AND THE SENATE-The Fraudulent Internationa...
  • 0 0 0 572
    Google Attempts to Censor Rand Paul Article but Folds Like a Cheap Suit When Exposed to the Public \u25b6\ufe0f Listen on SoundCloud : \u25b6\ufe0f This video is reposted from the website : Thanks…
  • 05:15
    0 0 0 1491
    Sen. Rand Paul. R-Ky., says there is no public health figure who has made greater error in judgment than Dr. Anthony Fauci on 'Jesse Watters Primetime.' Senator Rand Paul asserted Thursday that Anthony Fauci is directly responsible for funding dangerous research that likely killed millions of people, and that he “won’t ...
  • 10:30
    0 0 0 1361
    Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Rand Paul, the U.S. Senator for Kentucky, about why Dr. Fauci ignores COVID natural immunity, his thoughts on the employer vaccine mandate and inflation.
    Rand explains why he feels that Fauci’s unwillingness to address natural immunity vs vaccine immunity may be the biggest lie that he...
  • 04:33
    0 0 0 450
    At a telephone town hall on Tuesday, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) argued that COVID-19 came from a lab in Wuhan.