
Many Miscarriages & Stillbirths After Vax Reported To HHS Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System

NEW Rokfin Channel LAUNCHED: (join me there for exclusive reports & call in shows) Big Christmas sale for - members research site with vast searchable archive of documentaries and reports on a wide rang…

'Singapore promotes fake lab grown food with Sewage Water'.

Highlighting food shortage: members of the Extinction Rebellion’s Four Horse-Men of the Climate Apocalypse staging a protest on famine in Cape Town, South Africa, to mark the last official day of COP27. — AP Representatives from nine countries sat down to...

540,000 Russian Troops, Ukraine assassination of surrendered Russian soldiers? Macgregor 25 Nov 2022

Biden is sending Ukraine billions of dollars of weaponry it can't use properly Kiev can’t maintain and repair complex US and NATO arms – if they break, they're useless. After hounding the US and other NATO members for weeks about his need for heavy

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Conspiracy That Allows Murder Without Accountability

In October 2020, Purdue Pharma — owned and operated by members of the Sackler family — pleaded guilty to federal criminal charges and reached a settlement totaling $8.3 billion. August 11, 2021, a federal judge granted the Sackler family legal immunity a...

IN-PERSON – Prostate Cancer Support Group

This support group held on the second Wednesday of every month, welcomes those with prostate cancer, their loved ones and family members to attend. Programs are facilitated by Lois Glasser, LCSW, Oncology Social Worker, and a healthcare professional from ...

China Outpacing US Military At 'Disturbing' Rate: Gen. Milley

China is on a trajectory to achieve military superiority over the United States by midcentury, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley warned members of Congress on March 29. Testifying at a House Armed Services Committee hearing on the Department...

101st Airborne Still Deployed in Romania Simulating War With Russia

About 4,000 members of the US Army’s 101st Airborne Division are still deployed in Romania as part of a military buildup in Eastern Europe that President Biden ordered last year, as the Pentagon is still deciding whether to maintain current troop levels. ...

Then There Were Nine: Comer Alleges A Wider Range Of Potential Biden Beneficiaries from Possible Influence Peddling

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer has revealed that there are not three but nine members of the Biden family that may have benefitted from suspected influence peddling efforts. For those of us who have long criticized the corrupt practices of...

Nuremberg 2: Blood Clots Emerging After Untested Shots: What Will All The Booster Shots Do?

NEW Rokfin Channel LAUNCHED: (join me there for exclusive reports & call in shows) Big Christmas sale for - members research site with vast searchable archive of documentaries and reports on a wide...  more

NEW Rokfin Channel LAUNCHED: (join me there for exclusive reports & call in shows) Big Christmas sale for - members research site with vast searchable archive of documentaries and reports on a wide rang…


RINOS & GOP Controlled By Communists Epstein Tied Institute Backed By CHINA

The CCP backed Humpty Dumpty Institute has deep ties to Israel and the World Economic Forum. members of Congress in the uniparty are caught up in a communist Chinese influence operation. 

Frankie Stockes of National File talks about the Humpty Dumpty

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