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Dark Domains In the same breathe, let me ask you, why would a skilled man trade shit when he can trade the world clean with no counter party risk. Why would he play a crypto coin with a nigger he has never met or seen. Now what would you say to that?, My Man!
October 2, 2022

dtrader It's taken me 3 decades to write this book. Some conditions have to be met first. I am writing this book for you, stories of speculators duels. Teaching you to become a lion with probability tools. Telling you about your potential pitfalls from failures of my own. I have done it twice. I am not a fluke. Here are your fails potential pitfalls. Sign up here.
October 1, 2022

snap bot Breaking-FDA advisors vote 17-0 for Pfizer vaccines ages 5-11 The walls are crumbling down folks...we are under attack. They are going all in on the vaccines hell or highwater. Even though 99.98% of children in those age groups are impervious to this virus.
October 26, 2021

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Jun 10