9 Breaking News found.
  • May 04, 2023

    The EU has so far escaped the crisis seen in the US but weaknesses mean risks remain... Europe — with the exception of Switzerland — has had a good banking crisis so far, with no domestic stress. This is not an accident: the EU has done a better job of regulating and supervising its banks than the U...

    0 0 0 226 0/5
  • Apr 15, 2023

    Tesla is once again slashing prices to help spur demand, and Wall Street isn't necessarily taking it as a good sign. Shares dipped about 2% in the pre-market session on Friday (before rebounding and then selling off back to the lows) after it was reported that the company would be slashing the price...

    0 0 0 206 0/5
  • Apr 01, 2023

    Financial markets finally enjoyed a somewhat quiet week again, with no further banks collapsing and market stress receding. Borrowing from the Fed’s discount window stood at ‘just’ $88 billion on 29 March, down from $110 billion a week ago. So, thus far, the ECB’s base case that the market turmoil w...

    0 0 0 200 0/5
  • Dec 16, 2022

    The failure of the European Union may have started with the choice of the flag. Not that state flags are supposed to be works of art, but at least they can be inspiring. But this flag is completely flat, unoriginal, and depressing. It looks mostly like a blue cheese pizza gone bad. And that’s just o...

    0 0 0 269 0/5
  • Dec 02, 2022

    Finish prime minister Sanna Marin has called for Europe to build its own defence capabilities in the wake of the war in Ukraine, saying that without US help it is not resilient enough. “We should make sure that we are stronger,” Marin said in Sydney on Friday. “And I’ll be brutally honest with you, ...

    0 0 0 131 0/5
  • Dec 01, 2022

    The situation in Europe remains tense, amid increasing NATO activity, as the bloc continues to support Ukraine amid Russia's special operation. The military and financial aid to Kiev comes despite multiple warnings from Moscow that it will only prolong the conflict, resulting in more casualties.

    0 0 0 117 0/5
  • Dec 01, 2022

    The Russian diplomat noted that NATO policies in Europe degraded back to the Cold War era, as Washington is bent on exercising total control over the EU, so any meaningful cooperation between Russia and Europe is unlikely in the near future. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated that the EU...

    0 0 0 152 0/5
  • Nov 15, 2022

    The Governor of the Dutch central bank stated the gold revaluation account ensures the solvency of his central bank in an interview on television about prospective losses. The significance of this statement is that if any European central bank will cover losses by using its gold revaluation account ...

    0 0 0 1045 0/5
  • Nov 29, 2021

    31,014 Deaths 2,890,600 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database of Adverse Reactions as Young, Previously Healthy People Continue to Die   The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 31,014 fatalities, and 2,890,600 injurie...

    0 0 0 1399 0/5