46 Breaking News found.
  • May 16, 2023

    Russia's former head of the Roscosmos space agency, Dmitry Rogozin, said he went on a quest about a decade ago to find concrete proof that the Americans landed on the Moon in 1969. After finding little evidence, he questioned whether the Apollo 11 Mission reached the lunar surface.  "About ten years...

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  • May 13, 2023

    There was much mirth in the West this week when Vladimir Putin’s Victory Day parade through Red Square included just one tank, itself a relic from a museum. The inference was that Russia has lost so much military kit in Ukraine that it is a shadow of the military superpower the Soviet Union used to ...

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  • May 06, 2023

    A Ukrainian diplomatic official has released video of himself punching a Russian official on Thursday. In the rare moment, rival delegations who were attending a meeting of Black Sea nations in Turkey literally came to blows while the war in Ukraine rages. Oleksandr Marikovski posted the video, whic...

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  • May 01, 2023

    Until recently, notwithstanding a powerful military industry and over a century of experience in the construction of aircraft, Russia lagged behind world leaders on drone technology. Speaking to Sputnik, industry experts Eduard Bagdasaryan and Artyom Serebrennikov explained why that’s about to chang...

    0 0 0 124 0/5
  • Apr 26, 2023

    Russia is continuing efforts to stabilize Syria and push American influence in the region to the sidelines, as on Tuesday Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu hosted four-way talks which have as their goal the normalization of ties between the Syrian and Turkish governments. The talks involve Russ...

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  • Apr 26, 2023

    Russia's neighbors in Europe have upped their military spending since the invasion of Ukraine in early 2022. But, as Statista's Katharina Buchholz notes, even before the war - over the course of the past decade - expenditure on defense had already increased substantially in these nations. Perhaps mo...

    0 0 0 327 0/5
  • Apr 23, 2023

    Debunking The Latest Fake News Narrative CNN published an exclusive piece on Thursday alleging that “Evidence emerges of Russia’s Wagner arming militia leader battling Sudan’s army”. They claim that satellite imagery shows increased Russian military transport activity between Libya and Syria in the ...

    0 0 0 319 0/5
  • Apr 19, 2023

    "One can’t afford to be emotional about China. One needs to be realistic.” China will remain the driver of global growth as the West continues to slide. The economy is reopening swiftly, raising increased fears of de-dollarisation. It’s easy to get emotional, but the reality is its happening, get us...

    0 0 0 331 0/5
  • Apr 18, 2023

    The Pentagon will begin simulating a nuclear war, according to a Department of Defense press release. The war games come as the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists warns a civilization-ending war is closer than at any time in history.  The military exercises, dubbed Global Thunder 23, will be conducte...

    0 0 0 265 0/5
  • Apr 15, 2023

    The US on Wednesday imposed sanctions on a bank based in Hungary over its ties to Russia, a move that further strains ties between Washington and Budapest. According to Reuters, the sanctions targeted three top officials in the International Investment Bank in Budapest, two Russian nationals, and on...

    0 0 0 260 0/5
  • Apr 15, 2023

    China is again vowing that it won't sell weapons to Russia, or either side of the war for that matter, after new accusations fueled by speculation over a leaked US intelligence document. Earlier this week The Washington Post published analysis of a top secret intelligence summary dated to February 2...

    0 0 0 155 0/5
  • The Pentagon will begin simulating a nuclear war, according to a Department of Defense press release. The war games come as the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists warns a civilization-ending war is closer than at any time in history.  The military exercises, dubbed Global Thunder 23, will be conducte...

    0 0 0 406 0/5