222 Breaking News found.
  • New documents reveal the Center for Election Innovation and Research’s true purpose: Juicing Democrat registration in the states, thanks to data provided by ERIC In modern elections, the candidate who can turn out the bigger base is usually the winner. Put differently, the campaign with better voter...

    0 0 0 474 0/5
  • Australia has done very little over past years in practical terms when it comes to protecting the rights of its imprisoned citizen Julian Assange, who is still locked up in London's Belmarsh Prison as his extradition case is slowly processing through the courts.  This is why it's somewhat surprising...

    0 0 0 487 0/5
  • Media blackout as politicians in EU, US, UK, Brazil, Ireland, Canada, and Australia seek to jail citizens for wrongthink under the cover of a Big Lie about "hate speech"... The Twitter Files gave us a window into how government agencies, civil society, and tech companies work together to censor soci...

    0 0 0 472 0/5
  • Japan is preparing its armed forces to shoot down potential North Korean satellite debris as Pyongyang prepares yet another provocative rocket launch, which could again bring Japan under threat. This time Kim Jong Un is saying the country will soon launch its first military spy satellite into orbit,...

    0 0 0 450 0/5
  • Several days after Republican lawmakers penned a letter to President Biden demanding that endless military aid to Ukraine be halted, Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Melnik tweeted that Western nations need to do more. "We are thankful to our allies for their military help. But: it is not en...

    0 0 0 485 0/5
  • This is the visit that Washington policymakers and establishment Middle East "experts" have been dreading, and signals that the West's proxy war to oust Assad is definitively over - at least in terms of the end of hawks and neocons' longtime hope of seeing Assad overthrown... Saudi Foreign Minister ...

    0 0 0 378 0/5
  • The suspect who threw a smoke bomb toward Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida had a record of seeking damages from the government, claiming he was unfairly barred from running for the Upper House election, the Yomiuri newspaper reported on Tuesday. Ryuji Kimura filed the lawsuit in the Kobe distri...

    0 0 0 418 0/5
  • The Pentagon will begin simulating a nuclear war, according to a Department of Defense press release. The war games come as the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists warns a civilization-ending war is closer than at any time in history.  The military exercises, dubbed Global Thunder 23, will be conducte...

    0 0 0 405 0/5
  • Russia is using space weapons in the Ukraine war by jamming GPS signals from American GPS satellites used by Ukraine’s armed forces, according to a leading general in the U.S. Space Force... However, Russia has stopped short of attempting to destroy space hardware, in part because its space capabili...

    0 0 0 392 0/5
  • In February, Ron DeSantis led Donald Trump 45% to 41% in the Yahoo/YouGov poll. But Trump’s indictment has reversed the race. Just after Trump said he would be arrested, he moved into the lead – 47% of Republican and Republican-leaning voters preferred him, compared to 39% for DeSantis. Now, after h...

    0 0 0 450 0/5
  • The highly classified Pentagon documents which were leaked online in recent weeks, but which began being confirmed and reported as authentic by The New York Times and others only in the past few days, contain some embarrassing revelations. This has sent DOJ and US intelligence officials scrambling t...

    0 0 0 392 0/5
  • Both the content and timing of French President Emanuel Macron's statements to the press coming off his China trip wherein he urged Europe to step aside from US-China quarrels over Taiwan is driving anger among some Western officials and pundits. As we highlighted yesterday, the statements were wide...

    0 0 0 407 0/5