
testing Chinese poop not people: Malaysia spurns Covid plans of Japan, India for China’s reopening, vows to screen waste water on inbound flights

Malaysia says it will start screening the waste water of flights from China for Covid-19 – but not test travellers – as the Southeast Asian nation prepares for the world’s most populous country to reopen its borders. Anxiety is rippling out across Asia o...


It was the book that the movie Outbreak was based on. Contaminated monkeys loose in Pennsylvania on the way to the CDC. Marburg is the latest bullshit variant (that they cannot eve test for) Daddy Boris wrote the book? Just another coincidence?

Half of the passengers on 2 flights from China had COVID: report

Nearly half of the passengers on two separate flights this week from China to Milan tested positive for COVID, and health officials in Italy have announced they will test all travelers coming from the East Asian country. The two flights of sick passengers...

Here Come "Programmable Dollars": New York Fed And 12 Banking Giants Launch Digital Dollar test

Never let a crisis go to waste. Or a market crash for that matter. With equity and bond markets stuck in brutal bear markets and providing a sufficient distraction to what is happening behind the scenes, the Fed and a group of banks have been quietly prep...

Japanese Space Research Team Fakes Data in test Simulating Life on Space Station: JAXA

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) said on Friday that one of its research team had fabricated data from an experiment simulating life on the International Space Station (ISS), the Kyodo news agency reported.   Satoshi Furuk...

Performers Collapsing on Camera or Stage in 2022-2023

Go get your D-Dimer test done! There are 55 documented cases of performers collapsing, dying, or falling ill in late 2022 through 2023

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CDC & MMR Vaccine Fraud; CDC knew children were being brain damaged and covered up all...

CDC & MMR Vaccine Fraud; CDC knew children were being brain damaged and covered up all irrefutable evidence

The CDC covered up the evidence, destroying documents proving that the MMR vaccine caused autism & put millions of children at risk of serious

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