Panic Covid-19 Testing Underway, Biden to Address the Nation on Tuesday

Panic Testing in Progress 

If you don’t have Covid, I suspect one of the best places to catch it is stand in line for hours with people who think they do. 

Biden to Address the Nation

President Biden plans to deliver remarks Tuesday, as Cities and Organizations Cancel Many Holiday Celebrations in the US and abroad.

More places in Europe and the U.S. were tightening restrictions, canceling holiday gatherings and bracing for a surge in new Covid-19 cases, as officials worked to boost testing and healthcare capacity amid the rising risk from the Omicron variant.

The coronavirus’s Omicron variant has been detected in 89 countries, and Covid-19 cases of the variant are doubling every 1.5 to 3 days in places with community transmission, the World Health Organization said Saturday. The variant is spreading rapidly even in countries with high levels of immunity in the population, the WHO said. 

The Dutch government imposed lockdown measures, with all nonessential shops, bars and restaurants closed until mid-January. 

Paris canceled its traditional New Year’s Eve festivities on the Champs-Élysées. London Mayor Sadiq Khan declared a “major incident” in the British capital following what he said was the largest daily rise in cases in the city since the pandemic began, with 26,000 new cases recorded in the latest 24 hours.

Stark Warning 

NFL’s Surprising Reaction to Record Covid-19 Cases: Do Less Testing

Earlier today I noted NFL’s Surprising Reaction to Record Covid-19 Cases: Do Less Testing

95% of NFL players are vaccinated and 100% of the coaches are. That is amazingly high vs health care workers and the population at large.

Two-thirds of the players who have tested positive this week are asymptomatic, NFL chief medical officer Dr. Allen Sills. The other third, he said, are suffering very mild symptoms. 

Proposed New Step

Don’t stand in line for hours with people who think they have Covid! 

Associating with presumed-infected people will necessitate the need for still more tests.

If we are going to test, can we please test at home?

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2 years ago

WIV’s head of Bat Virus Infection and Immunization, was researching “the
molecular mechanism that allows Ebola and SARS-associated coronaviruses to lie
dormant for a long time without causing diseases,” 
while a
press release from his lab was titled “How bats carry viruses without
getting sick.”

Zhou’s colleague, Shi Zhengli, has been involved in bioengineering bat
coronaviruses – 
co-authoring a link to which described the creation of a new virus by combining a
coronavirus found in Chinese horseshoe bats with another that causes human-like
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in mice.

In 2015, Nature magazine link to over Zhengli’s experiments with bat coronavirus. The same
year, the US government link to nature.comlink to nature.comdue to their concern over risks
of experimenting with bat coronavirus.

2 years ago

A bat coronavirus with a never before seen pangolin-like RBM
came from a wet market that didn’t sell bats or pangolins, and now some other species
is the intermediary – unless a pangolin is eventually found with SARS-CoV-2.

2 years ago

Zheng-Li Shi, the head of bat coronavirus research at WIV, link to as much:

I had never expected this kind of thing to happen in Wuhan, in
central China.” Her studies had shown that the southern, subtropical provinces
of Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan have the greatest risk of coronaviruses
jumping to humans from animals—particularly bats, a known reservoir. If
coronaviruses were the culprit, she remembers thinking, “Could they have come
from our lab?”

in short, is a rather unlikely epi-center for a natural zoonotic transfer. In
contrast, to suspect that Sars-CoV-2 might have come from the WIV is both
reasonable and obvious.

2 years ago

The new virus certainly seems to
be effective at infecting humans, despite its animal origins. The closest wild
relative of SARS-CoV-2 link to, which suggests it originated in
a bat, then jumped to humans either directly or through another species.
(Another coronavirus found in wild pangolins also resembles SARS-CoV-2, but
only in the small part of the spike that recognizes ACE2; the two viruses are
otherwise dissimilar, and pangolins are unlikely to be the original reservoir
of the new virus.) When SARS-classic first made this leap, a brief period of
mutation was necessary for it to recognize ACE2 well. But SARS-CoV-2 could do
that from day one. “It had already found its best way of being a [human]
virus,” says link to of the University of
Maryland School of Medicine.

2 years ago

In 2015, Nature magazine link to over Zhengli’s experiments with bat coronavirus. The same
year, the US government link to nature.comlink to nature.comdue to their concern over risks
of experimenting with bat coronavirus.

·        Meanwhile, the US State Department warned over safety standards
at the Wuhan lab in a series of cables beginning in 2015, link to


2 years ago

In 2013, scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology collected
horseshoe bats at a cave 1,000 miles away link to

Stored away
and forgotten until January this year, the sample from the horseshoe bat contains the virus that causes Covid-19. -WSJ

2 years ago

lab, along with researchers in the U.S. and Switzerland, showed in 2015 the
scary-good capability of bat coronaviruses to thrive in human cells. In that
paper, which was published in 2015 in the journal 
link to, they described how they had created a
chimeric SARS-like virus out of the 
link to found in horseshoe
bats, called SHC014, and the backbone of a SARS virus that could be grown in
mice. The idea was to look at the potential of coronaviruses circulating in bat
populations to infect humans. In a lab dish, the chimeric coronavirus could
infect and replicate in primary human airway cells; the virus also was able to
infect lung cells in mice.

study was met with some pushback from researchers who considered the risk of
that kind of research to outweigh the benefits. Simon Wain-Hobson, a virologist
at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, was one of those scientists. Wain-Hobson
emphasized the fact that this chimeric virus “grows remarkably well” in human
cells, adding that 
“If the virus escaped, nobody
could predict the trajectory,” 
link to

2 years ago
I wonder if he will mention Tuesday that Omicron was delivered here via a Vaccinated person flying around the world with no fear…..what a wreck this psyche op is
2 years ago
I have to admit im really worried about more lockdowns coming here to the US.  Anyone with half a brain can see how bad we screwed ourselves over the first time.  To do it again would either be proof that they dont even have half a brain or there really is a sinister plot brewing.   I dont care if I get the tinfoil hat of the day award by saying that.  
2 years ago
Reply to  ohno
Occam’s razor – it’s the half-brain syndrome, which is all too common.
2 years ago
If you only have two shots, you are now a dangerous unvaccinated unpatriotic evil person, only intent on spreading harm. Welcome to the propaganda smear of being a member of the unvaccinated club, all you two shot degenerates.
2 years ago
Reply to  JeffD
I’m proud to be a member of the no-shot club.  So I am triplely dangerous.  Maintain your distance!  
2 years ago
Omicron is now the dominant strain in the UK. Lots of positives, but half of the people in hospital with Omicron had it diagnosed as an incidental finding, meaning they had no symptoms, but came in for some other problem, not COVID treatment. This is the same story as South Africa, and it’s a damn good sign in my book.
Once again the UK gives us a very good look at what our situation will be in a month.  So far, so good. 
Also, with about 7500 patients in the UK getting actual COVID treatment, only 85 cases are Omicron.
I saw BS posted here suggesting that the vax is not effective on Omicron. As usual with anti-vaxxers, that is bending the truth. Because Omicron is 70 times more transmissible than Alpha and Delta, there are more breakthrough infections. However, with the booster onboard, the Pfizer appears to provide 85% protection. 
Is it true that you don’t NEED that protection? I’d say maybe, at this point, But you still do definitely need protection from the other variants, at least for now.
I went to see Hamilton at Bass Concert Hall last night. I’m not afraid to go out in public, but I did wear a mask, and I have 3 shots onboard. Taking precautions still makes sense to me.
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie_T
“I saw BS posted here suggesting that the vax is not effective on Omicron. As usual with anti-vaxxers, that is bending the truth. Because Omicron is 70 times more transmissible than Alpha and Delta, there are more breakthrough infections.”
If your shots worked properly, then relatively few, if any , would get breakthrough infections.  The degree of transmissibility has nothing to do with the issue.  D’oh.
2 years ago
I wonder what it would look like if we tested for the flu every year like we are “vid”.  
2 years ago
Reply to  amigator
Funny thing over here I just heard a government official say that and that mandatory flu shots will be imposed like the covid shots. It’s getting really weird if you ask me. Covid has liberated some peoples’ inner dictator and given it free reign because it’s for “our own good”. Never thought it would get to this level. I don’t believe that it’s due to an evil global conspiracy. It’s more like an adolescent circle jerk but with  highly placed adults.
2 years ago
Reply to  Doug78
They want to convert flu shots to mRNA technology, which means I will never again take one.
2 years ago
Interesting that the NFL is a very high vaccinated population, in a high risk of spread situation(they are fit and healthy so low risk of death) and they are spreading CovId as VACCINATED people. People who are vaccinated are getting and spreading COVID. The fantasy you can get herd immunity from Covid mutations is stupid..
It’s as stupid as the flu shot or any other cold/flu therapy. You stay healthy and lower risks and that’s how you can catch a cold and not suffer
2 years ago
Reply to  Cocoa
The problem is that the “vaccines” don’t offer sterilizing immunity. They keep you out of the hospital, but classify as “vaccines” only because the CDC (and Merriam Webster!) changed the definition of that word to fit the Covid narrative.
2 years ago
Reply to  Cocoa
Breaking news!  2 + 2 = 4;  Open your eyes pro-vaxxers!
Stunning Covid data from Denmark
But not for the reason you’ve been told; the story is vaccine failure, not Omicron
Alex Berenson
18 Dec 2021
The Danes are now publishing extremely detailed daily data about Covid cases and hospitalizations – not just about Omicron, but all Covid variants.
And, in news that will surprise precisely no one who has been alive the last two years, they paint a picture entirely different than what the media claims.
Omicron – which continues to appear significantly less dangerous though more transmissible than earlier variants of Covid – has been used as a cover for vaccine failure.
Most new Covid cases in Denmark occur in people who are vaccinated or boosted – and that is true for both Omicron and earlier variants. More than 76 percent of non-Omicron Covid infections in Denmark are in vaccinated people, along with about 90 percent of Omicron infections.
2 years ago
and why you all are jabbering all abut this covid stuff link to from ProPublica
America’s system of mass incarceration is brutal and traumatic. And
it’s not just adults who are run through it. This story focuses on Judge
Donna Scott Davenport’s juvenile court in a Tennessee county, where an
estimated 1,500 children have been jailed improperly, some as young as 7
and 8 years old. It’s powerful accountability work.
2 years ago
Spies, voting machine companies and Big Pharma are still your natural enemies.
2 years ago
HIDA: Millions of critical medical supplies delayed at congested ports link to American Shipper
2 years ago

link to (preprint) (PDF) PsyArXiv. From the Abstract: 

present strikingly similar findings across the four diverse countries.
We show that support for the political system has markedly decreased
already by April and fell further till December. Exploiting the panel
setup, we demonstrate that within-respondent increases in indicators of
pandemic fatigue (specifically, the perceived subjective burden of the
pandemic and feelings of anomie) correspond to decreases in system
support and increases in extreme anti-systemic attitudes. Meanwhile, we
find much smaller changes in social solidarity and trust compared to
pre-pandemic levels, and we find that these attitudes are largely
unaffected by pandemic burden. Our results imply that the pandemic is
not only a health-crisis, but poses a substantial challenge to the
relationship between citizens and the state.

2 years ago
Donald Trump’s Megaphone: Fox News news hosts knew that Trump’s lies were lies—and they amplified them anyhow 
2 years ago
link to Nature. Final sentence: “‘Everyone is focused on the pathogen here,’
[says David Dowdy, an infectious-disease epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins
Bloomberg School of Public Health]. ‘But it’s not just about the
variant, it’s also about the host and the environment.’”
2 years ago
Reply to  numike
yep, 73% of all deaths are tied to obesity, than you have the old, they have been weak host since caveman era…..
a flu is a flu is a flu
2 years ago
Unvaccinated Covid Patients Push Hospital Systems Past the Brink Those states will not be the only ones. A worrying new variant is
spreading, hospitals are filling, and millions remain unvaccinated. If
America keeps stress-testing its hospitals and their staff, some of them
will break.
2 years ago
Reply to  numike
I think that in US and also here in France, if they is enough panic, maybe they will allow doctors to prescribe old free medicines that seem to work very well in India and other countries in Asia.
2 years ago
Reply to  numike
Then they probably shouldn’t be firing all their front line heroes who’ve been exposed to Covid for years then, right?
2 years ago
Reply to  numike
Unvaccinated Covid Patients Push Hospital Systems Past the Brink”
Obstructionist public health agencies push hospital systems past the brink. Drs. Fareed and Tyson have an early treatment protocol which has treated 7,000 Covid-19 patients with ZERO deaths. That is a perfect record, though i wouldn’t expect it to remain that way.
Dr. Wagshul has treated his Covid patients with Ivermectin. ZERO have been hospitalized. Not every case is going to be this successful, but hospitalizations could be dramatically cut with early treatment.
Why in general, isn’t early treatment happening? Public health agencies are obstructing it, until they have a new expensive FDA approved drug, such as Molnupravir.
Most of the hospitalizations and deaths are due to the public health agencies agenda.
2 years ago
Reply to  RonJ
It’s not only public health agencies obstructing.  Saw a story a couple of weeks ago where despite a court order, the hospital refused to allow Ivermectin for a patient.
2 years ago
If we are going to test, can we please test at home? No- you need to be tested by an “official testing center . (so that they can record your info/data/track  and send to state agencies).  As a requirement for my cataract surgery , I had to be covid tested pre op .  I was surprised when I  subsequently received a text message from the state health department  because my results were negative. The department wanted my to download   a new app  called ” health together” that they partnered with .  I opted out .
2 years ago
Reply to  thimk
Yeah, here in CA all surgeries require a PCR test up to 3 days prior.  I think they get a cut of these tests, so it has become yet another means of profit for them.
2 years ago
This is pure government hysteria, probably designed to frighten people and make them easier to control.  The PCR test is notoriously unreliable, with many false positives. The new covid variant  produces mild symptoms.  Covid 19 itself has a low fatality rate, and those that usually die, have comorbidity issues. The mRNA vaccines are likely killing, or will kill more people than Covid 19.   I am disgusted that  so many people are internally  so  fearful of  living their lives, that they are falling for this. Eat a varied mostly plant based diet, supplement with vitamin D, exercise daily and research. You will quickly learn that governments are not to be trusted. 
2 years ago
Reply to  BDR45
Well said.
Dr. Odyssey
Dr. Odyssey
2 years ago
Good grief, after 20 months of listening to the “experts” why has there yet to be an adult discussion on natural immunity.
Moderator, This is not spam. stop censoring open discussion.
2 years ago
“If you don’t have Covid…” What does “having Covid” mean?  Does it mean testing PCR positive? How accurate is that? If you have zero symptoms and a nucleic acid amplification technology indicates some presence of viral nucleic acid, what is meaningful here?
2 years ago
Reply to  Blurtman
2 years ago
My local small free newspaper had a story about finding Omicron in the wastewater, which should mean that there is a lot more of it circulating than advertised if they are able to pick up traces in random samples.  This is something I have not seen discussed on the MSM so decided to do a Google search.  Many, many such stories.  Check it out.  Can one of you connected people ask Fauci for his thoughts?
2 years ago
Reply to  Jojo
Yet another reason not to vacation at a wastewater treatment plant.
2 years ago
Reply to  Blurtman
Or don’t drink the water there anyway.  You’ll also get doses of opiates, cocaine, endocrine disrupting birth control drugs and much more that they regularly find in wastewater.  It’s a shame that all this crap too often gets dumped into the ocean where it affects all life there.
2 years ago
Do what you are told or else:   link to
2 years ago
Reply to  Greggg
Wow!  Sounds like NY has been talking to Australia.  This could well precipitate a revolution if passed. 
2 years ago
Reply to  Greggg
This clearly violates habeas corpus rights clearly written in the Constitution.
2 years ago
Reply to  Six000mileyear
It’s new york.  The Constitution does not apply to that state and especially the city.   If you need confirmation on that, just ask the governor and the mayor.  That is how it has been for a long time now.
2 years ago
Oops!  CDC screws up yet again.  Still a believer?  Wait thill they revise the Covid death count down by 50%.
Report: CDC overcounts millions of vaccinations
The U.S. government has overcounted the number of Americans who are at least partly vaccinated against the coronavirus, Bloomberg reports.
Why it matters: Millions more people than initially thought are unprotected as coronavirus infections, hospitalizations and deaths are rising across the country.
2 years ago
Reply to  Jojo
They will raise the count, but probably not by 50%. More likely it will be by about 20-30%. Counts of death due to a specific cause are notoriously unreliable, as people are included who should not be, and others are not counted who should be, particularly people who die at home, but also some who die in long term care facilities that don’t wish it known that they have Covid present. The one thing that can be counted correctly is total deaths, and they can accurately projected the number who die in a normal year, and determine the excess. This isn’t something they will do just for Covid, it is something they do every year, for the flu, or for other things that causes an increase in deaths.
2 years ago
Reply to  Carl_R
Agreed.  But that doesn’t stop the public health officials, politicians and MSM from using absolute numbers to scaremonger people every day.
2 years ago
Canada pretty much going back down into lockdown over Omicron.
Then while scanning the Canadian news I saw this about how underfunded the wonderful Canadian system is. I love to tease my Canadian friends and relatives about how bad Canada’s Heath Care has become but this is just sad. Only 300-400 ICU beds for 14 million people. No wonder they shut down every time someone sneezes.
As an FYI, here in Florida we have 21 million people and 6226 ICU beds. More than 10x as many by population
Like with everything else in life, you get what you pay for. I much prefer the US system over Canada’s.
2 years ago
NFL’s Surprising Reaction to Record Covid-19 Cases: Do Less Testing
No. Sensible. A ‘case’ used to be someone who is sick and presents for medical attention, confirmed by a test.
Few people realize there are scores of bacteria and pathogens (incl viruses) that would yield far greater pandemic numbers if we subjected everybody to PCR tests searching for a molecule. Epstein-Bar, for instance, is carried by 95% of the population.
2 years ago
Reply to  Webej
And think what that could do to the death statistics, if we attributed death on the basis of the presence of a molecule signaling Epstein-Barr, or listeria, or staphylococcus aureus!! The numbers would be astonishing, far surpassing any other causes of death. It would be like Ebola.
2 years ago
Damn!  Biden seems to be on the TV more than Trump.  How can we forget you if you won’t go away?
2 years ago
ya its just the flu
Doctors Gave Her a Choice: Let COVID-19 Kill Her Child, or Amputate His Limbs
2 years ago
Reply to  numike
Sheese.  It always helps to provide some context from articles you are referring to.  Bytes are free here!  Here’s the critical part:
Weakened by the coronavirus, Zyrin had contracted and later developed a rare condition called multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), which causes various parts of the body, such as the heart, lungs, and brain, to become inflamed. There have been more than five thousand link to since the pandemic began, but doctors are still trying to understand how exactly COVID-19 is triggering the condition. (McDaniel said her son had no preexisting conditions that might have made him more susceptible to these complications.) With Zyrin’s heart damaged and unable to pump blood, his appendages became gangrenous, with the tissue on his arms and legs turning black and eventually dying. 
2 years ago
Another freedumb loving antivaxxer dies – of Covid. Republican senator from Washington state:
Omicron is infecting a good number of the vaccinated, but the vax is keeping their cases mild. Get boosted, people, it provides even more protection. I really hate to think what this fast spreader is going to do to the unvaxxed with comorbidities and such.
By the way Mish, how come no coverage of the evolving biggest political story – the attempted Republican seditionist coup of 2020, the integral role of several freedumb caucus republican congress critters in it, and the ongoing attempts at planning a 2024 coup through voter suppression and even voter NULLIFICATION laws being passed in many swing and red states? This 2020 thing was planned for months ahead of time, in coordination with many republican politicians.
Today, three retired generals warned in a Washington Post opinion piece in no uncertain terms that we had better prepare for it in 2024 – with a focus on the military needing to prepare. All who think it can’t happen here had better bone up on German history and how their failed first attempts were just training grounds for the fascists, who eventually succeeded.
2 years ago
Reply to  Agave
Just commenting on the death of senator. These dumb fuks probably tell each other, there is a Hail Mary solution for them, monoclonal antibodies, because they are so important. Well, this solution isn’t universally available because of cost, and not good when the infection has run its course.
Brains is not a requirement in politics.
2 years ago
Reply to  Agave
Now read about all the dumb people who took the vax shots:
Covid Vaccine Injuries
2 years ago
Reply to  Agave
“I really hate to think what this fast spreader is going to do to the unvaxxed with comorbidities and such.”
It is really what the public health agencies are doing to the unvaxxed. DO NOT TREAT THE PATIENT.
The Fareed/Tyson early treatment therapy has been used by 7,000 Covid patients with ZERO deaths. Early treatment is the key to keeping most Covid patients out of the hospital and the morgue. The public health agencies obstruct early treatment with off label anti-viral drugs that work against Covid-19.
Republicans are supporting voter integrity laws.
2 years ago
So Joe is going on TV for a gaffe free 10 minute announcement of steps to be taken against the omicrom variiant that seems as serious as a common cold.    I wonder if he will give an honorable mention to a small Fentanyl problem we have in the US?
Fentanyl overdoses become No. 1 cause of death among US adults, ages 18-45.
2 years ago
Reply to  Greggg
10 minutes is the best his staff can hope for.  Absolutely no way he goes through with the SOTU address next month.  It will be canceled due to the Covid “emergency” he’s going to declare Tuesday.  There’s just no way a person with dementia who obviously is suffering from sunsetting in the evenings will be able to manage a long speech.  Every one of his teleprompter endeavors is a debacle, and he hasn’t attempted anything like the SOTU in duration.
2 years ago
Ignore Omicron and it will just go away.  The Plandemic is dying.   They should have enhanced the function some more before deploying bioweapon covid-19.  They got rushed by the fact that repo markets were going crazy and that the fed’s balance sheet needed to skyrocket in order to stop the Global Debt Ponzi from collapsing.
If you want verification of this, just google for
economati brace
And you will get a link to the article called Brace for impact on federal reserve balance sheet expansion dated Sep 29, 2019, just before the release of this bioweapon that was needed in order to provide political cover for the required balance sheet expansion.
2 years ago
Boss (vaccinated) tested positive for covid a few days ago. Now everyone at work has to get tested. Appointments booked at least 3 days out most places around here. The surge is real.
I have chosen not to get the vax because I simply do not trust it. It’s not even a vaccine and reports are it is worthless against Omicron. I will take my chances with my own immune system.
This will be my first time getting tested, but it’s a process I’ll have to get used to since the OSHA rule will now be implemented effective February 9th at the latest.
2 years ago
I remember chicken pox parties when I was a kid. The idea was to try to get kids infected so they could spend Easter break week scratching instead of missing class time. And chicken pox is highly contagious, but not that severe. I have a couple of scars where I scratched too much.
I think COVID omicron is the last wave of high number of hospitalizations / deaths only because of transmittability . Masking and avoidance of large crowds will get us through this wave. The next wave should be so mild that risk of vaccine side effects are greater than getting COVID.
2 years ago
Reply to  Six000mileyear
When I was in med school, around 200 kids a year died of chicken pox.  I remember rounding on infants in the ICU in nebulizer tents who had it.
2 years ago
Incidentally, all these extra tests we are about to have (paid for by uncle Sam) must surely be a gold mine for the pharmaceutical companies who make such tests. Their profits and stock prices should be reflecting that for those looking for a place to invest.
2 years ago
Reply to  TexasTim65
Does that testing company Bill Gates bought, sell stock? Maybe he is looking to get a monopoly on the market, much as Microsoft had with PC operating programs.
2 years ago
Reply to  RonJ
That company is a UK firm called Mologic.   Gates and Soros, being the world’s goodest philanthropists ever, bought the company around the same time that the CDC announced that they would stop using the rtpcr tests on December 31, 2021.   It’s just a coincidence in the timing though and in no way can we claim that the CDC, NIH, and FDA are operating under predatory capture  followthemoney.
2 years ago
Oral/nasal viracidal therapy.
It was something that Dr. McCullough talked about during his long interview with Joe Rogan.
Dilute Betadine. 2 teaspoons in 6 ounces of water. Delivered oral/nasal by nasal spray syringe bulb. Can be used prophylactic after a day out and about.
McCullough also mentioned Hydrogen peroxide with Lugol’s Iodine. I heard about this before McCullough. Something that can be ingested through a nebulizer. McCullough gives his Covid patients nasal/oral spray of povidone iodine. Cuts down viral load.
He did not give any instruction on dilution, just a general comment about both.
552 Covaxxed in Oregon have died of Covid. These early treatment remedies are not just for the unvaxxed. There are for one, hydrogen peroxide nebulizer instructional videos on Youtube.
2 years ago
This isn’t going to be good.  More authoritarianism.  More human rights violations.  More adverse effects from the deadliest injections in world history.  I’m recovering from shingles which was an immediate adverse effect from being “fully vaccinated” a few weeks ago; hadn’t had even a slight cold since before covid.  Now my immune system seems shot; healthy 48 yr old male BTW.  Lift weights or do cardio three times a week…..
2 years ago
Reply to  OUdaveguy
Oh… you too,  I was diagnosed Tuesday  with shingles.   Mine triggered by the medical community too.  1st, my wife’s primary care physician sent letters to all her patients announcing her “retirement” (she’s 44 years old) from the medical practice effective December 31st.  Reason:   “… events over the last year and a half has made me realize that I can no longer provide the services that my patients need”.    My wife was in tears on and off for days.   Then, I ended up quitting my primary care doctor when the practice turned into “just a business”.  They want you to take all kinds of ridiculous tests for diseases you don’t have and withhold test results  from your on line record.   Advise:  Never ever go to a medical facility that does their own testing.  I am still angry about this been and have been for a month since the charade started.   Got some Valacyclovir 1 GM, 3 tabs per day for 7 days from the local Urgent Care.  They said to follow up with your regular doctor ASAP…  guess what ain’t gonna happen.
2 years ago
Reply to  Greggg
If you’re in the USA, HIPPA law requires they give you your medical records. Sure, they’ll want to fax the papyrus to you by carrier pigeon, but you can get them. Images are typically given out on CDs in a horrid, medical abortion called DICOM file format – usually an obfuscation of normal JPEG. Conversion programs exist.
2 years ago
Reply to  Felix_Mish
The problem had been happening consistently over and over for the last year.  Add this into the mix: you can only get your regular prescriptions filled 90 days at a time and you have to see the doctor or a PA every time, even though for years before they would refill prescriptions for maintenance drugs for a year followthemoney.   
2 years ago
Reply to  Greggg
Yeah, 90 day. If appropriate, a refill or three should be on the script. And more handled by an un-billed call to the physician’s assistant? Gotta depend on the particular drugs and situation, though, eh?
Nonetheless, I have the vague feeling that docs are backing off doing these in-person, bill-enhancement sessions ’cause of Covid. So, all is not doom and gloom in the world today!
2 years ago
Reply to  Felix_Mish
AND they can’t charge you more than $7.50 for providing your exam/test/diagnosis results.  I ran into this a few years ago with an opthamologist who wanted to charge me $75 for his office admin time to collate, copy and mail me my exam results.  I did research to discover this was not allowed and then filed an HHS, Medicare and state of CA complaint against him.  Medicare told him he couldn’t do that any longer.  Unsure what the others might have done but I don’t do business with him.
2 years ago
Reply to  Jojo
I’ve never, ever been dinged for records’ costs, myself.
2 years ago
Reply to  Felix_Mish
This was the first time for me.  I hear that it often occurs with smaller, independent offices that have been used to controlling patient access to  medical records of any sort and are used to scalping patients whenever possible.  It’s part of their business model.
“Why do you want to look at blood test or radiology reports?  That’s what I am here for”. [lol]
2 years ago
Reply to  Felix_Mish
Geeze…  I didn’t even address your comment correctly… It’s not imaging, it’s just blood test results that they pull those stunts of excluding some results.  One example last year, PSA test was marked “test cancelled” in my online record.   A few days later they are calling  trying to set up a prostate ultrasound.  After wrangling with the girl over the test results, she read the number back, 2.76.  Well just sound the alarm over nothing.   In the last year that number varied from 2.26 to 2.50 taken at a urologist’s office and he just wants me to come in once a year from now on.
2 years ago
Reply to  Greggg
PSA isn’t a reliable indicator of prostate cancer unless it is high and you are getting up there.  I have known a couple of people who go it though so you should go in annually and get things checked.
BTW: My PSA was 0.41 last time I had it done.  
2 years ago
Reply to  Greggg
I highly doubt these adverse effects are being recorded.  My PCM won’t even acknowledge this as Shingles; it’s “Dermatitis” despite me having every classic symptom of Shingles you can possibly have……The fraud, deception, and blatant dishonesty surrounding the plannedemic is staggering.  Best of luck to you and your wife. 
2 years ago
Reply to  OUdaveguy
Vaccines Are Sabotaging the Immune System. Shingles May Hold Some Answers
History suggests the condition known as shingles could well represent a detoxification reaction to vaccination.
By Children’s Health Defense Team
Dec 9, 2021
Long before the arrival of experimental COVID injections — which, let’s not forget, pharma executives refer to not as “vaccines” but as “cell and gene therapy” — the package inserts of licensed vaccines told the public a disturbing story.
The documentation of 400 different types of adverse reactions affecting virtually all organs and body systems, available to anyone willing to click on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s links, offered “hidden-in-plain-sight” clues of countless ways in which vaccination’s aggressive immune-system intervention can cause fine-tuned immune responses to go awry.
Those package inserts, as damning as they still are, have just been eclipsed by shocking in-house Pfizer data forced into view by a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.
The company’s confidential inventorying of reactions, which was “never supposed to see the light of day,” shows that in the first 90 days of the injection’s emergency use (through Feb. 28, 2021), Pfizer recorded more than 158,000 different adverse events — including 1223 deaths —  distributed across 42,086 case reports,
While blood clots and heart problems following COVID vaccination have probably attracted the most widespread attention, Pfizer’s adverse event chart displaying 27 different “system organ classes” reveals wide-ranging problems — many of which highlight a disturbing “reprogramming” of recipients’ immune responses.
Post-vaccination shingles
Among the immune dysfunctions Pfizer noted to be “of special interest” (listed in the “other” category) were 281 events related to herpes zoster (popularly known as shingles), with a median onset of one day following COVID vaccination.
Shingles is a painful condition characterized by rash, blisters, burning or shooting nerve pain and a variety of potential complications. Up to 20% of shingles episodes affect the eyes, with the possibility of permanent vision impairment, including blindness.
2 years ago
Reply to  Jojo
Talk to any dentist and you’ll find out that there has been an epidemic of broken teeth in the last year and a half.   They are blaming it on people clenching their teeth at night.
2 years ago
Reply to  Greggg
Well, we do have a resident dentist here…. [lol]
I have used these things for years.  Love them.  Can sometimes find them at the $1 store.  Or go to Amazon:
Plackers Grind No More Dental Night Guard for Teeth Grinding, 16 Count
2 years ago
I live in a household of four.  My son and his wife just finished a week of Covid.  My 7 year-old granddaughter and I tested negative twice this week and she returned to school.  Her parents went to a bar to sing Karaokee 10 days ago.  A bat virus, not found in nature, with unbelievable human to human transmission has an FCS (furin cleaveage site) that allows it to enter human cells (not found in nature).  The Governor of Colorado has said the state will no longer be involved.  Three counties (Adams, Arapahoe, where I live, and Douglas) have withdrawn from the Tri-County Health Authority.  Fauci should be in prison is the local opinion.
2 years ago
We should be allowing the Omicron variant to spread as much as possible to maximize natural immunity since the variant is quite mild.
2 years ago
Reply to  EGW
The variant is supposedly mild but they skip right over that in the fearmongering MSM as they continue to try and scare people to get anupdated booster.  I watched this happen in at least 3 MD interviews on the TV box Saturday.
2 years ago
Don’t stand in line for hours with people who think they have Covid! 
Not sure how it works where you are, but every time I’ve shown up for free public testing for COVID the precautions against transmission in that public space have been excellent, and I’d say the risk of catching COVID while waiting for a test is close to zero, based on what I know.
The sef-test kits are great, and they’re saving me a sh!tload of money, but the chances of false negatives is high enough that I don’t let infected people come back to work without a rapid PCR test to confirm they’’re negative …..I paid $180 for one this last week, for an employee who subsequently decided to quit and get another job. Thanks a lot.
But I also used the self-test kits to screen everybody else in the office after we had that one employee get COVID (from his mother and sister, as it turned out.). The antigen kits are now $14 for two tests. $7 bucks per test. It does make it easier for employers who are trying to do the right thing.
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie_T
I contracted covid from a work related event even though I normally work remotely. My vaccinated manager called to tell me he contracted covid and I was starting to feel symptoms so I went to get tested. I was shocked at the lax environment of the facility. They had a mask mandate but that was it. The receptionist asked for my physical ID and insurance card, which is a way to transmit. Then I went to check-in using an IPad, which was not sanitized before of after I used it. I sat in the waiting room for 45 minutes. The longer I was in there the higher the risk. 
I tested positive and potentially put many others at risk due to the health care facility’s lack of common sense. 
2 years ago
Reply to  Dean2020
At the mass public test sites here they don’t even let you get out of your car. It’s all drive through. When I got tested at a private doc-in-the-box they also sent a tech out to my car to collect the swab. At no time have I ever tested anywhere that people of unknown COVID status waiting for a test were allowed to to be in close proximity to one another, and if I encountered that I wouldn’t hang around. 
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie_T
Same in CA.
2 years ago
Reply to  Dean2020
I got tested here last week (for Covid and the Flu – negative for both) in Florida at a walkin clinic. They only allow 1 person inside at a time to turn over their ID. Then you wait outside in your car till they text you. At that point you go back in a different door to be tested and then you leave. I never saw another patient and all the employees had lots of gloves and were disinfecting anything I touched (pens, my ID etc).
The mass public sites here are similar to what Eddie described. All drive thru where you just roll down the window and get swabbed and then drive on.
2 years ago
I recently had to go to a clinic to be tested for Covid-19 as mandated by my employer. It was a nonsensical setup with coughing, obviously sick people, waiting in a long line. Mish is absolutely correct in his assessment above. Home testing is the ONLY way to do this rationally. I have to wonder how, in this country, we seem to have the least capable people making decisions on how the addressment of this pandemic is to be done. 

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