
The Depopulation Agenda to Bring in the New World Order.

The events of the Current Times are all Connected. What does the planed pandemic, Vaccines Deaths by Injections, The World Economic Forum, Bill Gates, The Corruption in Government, Clinton Foundation, Obama, the sons of Biden, Pelosi, Romney, Kerry and

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Beijing tightens city controls ahead of Olympics; Chinese new year to worsen supply chain woes

Apple becomes the top-selling smartphone vendor in China, again. The previous leader, Huawei, is suffering major losses thanks to U.S. sanctions. #SupplyChain problems are expected to get worse, and soon. That’s because of two upcoming events in China:

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MURDER by INJECTION [CH #02] 'Quacks on Quackery'

Eustace Mullins (1988) 'MURDER by INJECTION' (Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America). This book explains everything you need to know about the Medical Tyranny unleashed on the world and the subsequent events which are to occur. 

MURDER by INJECTION [CH #03] 'The Profits of Cancer'

Eustace Mullins (1988) 'MURDER by INJECTION' (Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America). This book explains everything you need to know about the Medical Tyranny unleashed on the world and the subsequent events which are to occur. 

Buy Lots Of Food And Store It Some Place Safe, Because Very Difficult Times Are Approaching

After two years of continued interruptions in food production, global food supplies have gotten really tight. But now that extreme weather events are leading to the mass destruction of crops and the liquidation of beef cow herds, while a bird flu...  more

???? Al Jazeera English | Live

@Al Jazeera English, we focus on people and events that affect people's lives. We bring topics to light that often go under-reported, listening to all sides of the story and giving a 'voice to the voiceless'.

Reaching more than 270 million households...  more


Eustace Mullins (1988) 'MURDER by INJECTION' (Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America). This book explains everything you need to know about the Medical Tyranny unleashed on the world and the subsequent events which are to occur. 

Explosive revelations about the FDA and Pfizer's COVID vaccine [PART 2]

PART 2: With billions of Pfizer COVID shots having been mandated by governments and administered to citizens around the world, there have of course been millions of adverse events that have occurred. A group of scientists have sent a FOIA request to the...  more

Documentary: 'I Am Not Misinformation' / Real People with Adverse events: Full Cut!

Credit to Dan Peruzzo In today’s covid crazy world of censorship and this ‘one sided narrative’, it takes courage to stand up and speak out. Take a journey with this group of vaccine injured individuals and health professionals as they share their

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Covid hysteria and a climate of fear is having a devastating impact on the human mind.

For an Australian perspective to world events that goes against the mainstream narrative, make sure you subscribe to "Asia Pacific Today" Bitchute channel. . Thank you in advance. Dr Mark McDonald …